Degree: Associate of Arts and Sciences with a major in Business Administration
Length: Four-semester (two-year) program
Purpose: The Associate of Arts and Sciences Degree curriculum in Business Administration is designed for persons who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree program in business administration.
Admission Requirements: In addition to the admission requirements established for the college, entry into the Business Administration program requires competency in English and Math Essentials MTE 1-9 as demonstrated through the placement and diagnostic tests, or by satisfactorily completing the required MTE units or equivalent.
Program Admission Requirements: Students are urged to become acquainted with the requirements of the major department in the college or university to which transfer is contemplated and also to consult with the Student Services Office of the community college in planning their program and selecting electives. Note the guaranteed admission and articulation agreements referenced on Admissions apply only to students who complete the Associate Degree.
The following list is a suggested sequence in which students may plan their class schedules to ensure graduation in two years.