Catalog & Student Handbook 2021-2022 
    Jul 27, 2024  
Catalog & Student Handbook 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Program Information

Types of Programs

In implementing its mission statement, WCC provides several types of programs, as well as a wide selection of curricular offerings. Each curriculum is designed to meet the general criteria established by the State Board of Community Colleges and defined in the Code of Virginia Policy Manual, Section 5-Educational Programs. At the same time, WCC strives to design each curriculum with emphasis on the needs and opportunities within the college’s service region.

The State Board for Community Colleges sets minimum standards for conferring appropriate associate degrees, certificates, and diplomas to individuals who satisfactorily complete course and program requirements. The programs that follow are offered by WCC, and the program descriptions reflect the philosophies of both the state governing agencies and the college.

Degree Program Requirements

The minimum requirements for associate degrees are outlined below. The degrees are organized into those primarily designed for college transfer or immediate career/technical employment. 

College Transfer Education

Associate of Arts and Sciences (AA&S)

Career/Technical Education

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Minimum Requirements for Associate Degrees in the VCCS




General Education:





Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature



Social/Behavioral Sciences



Natural Sciences






Institutional Specific General Education Courses



Total for General Education =



As specified above, degree programs must contain a minimum of 15 semester hours of general education as defined by SACSCOC. 


Other Requirements for Associate Degrees:


Student Development 



Transfer Core(f) (columns 1-4)
Career/technical courses (column 5) 






Total for Degree =





(a) Each of the courses in communication must be in written communication. 

(b) One course in humanities/fine arts for the Fine Arts major must be a literature course.

(c) Each of the two courses cannot be from the same discipline area (e.g. humanities).

(d) One course in social/behavioral sciences must be a history course and the second required course cannot be history.

(e) A total of 3-6 semester hours is required in either natural sciences and/or mathematics for the AAA and AAS.

(f) Transfer core includes additional general education and/or major courses. 

The diploma and certificate curricula shall differ from associate degree curricula in that they may be presented at a different educational level.  These credentials are recognized as College Transfer and Career/Technical programs.


The diploma and certificate curricula differ from associate degree curricula and are outlined below:





Career Studies Certificate


A two-year curriculum with an emphasis in a career/technical area

A curriculum that consists of a minimum of 30 semester credit hours

A program of study of not less than 9 nor more than 29 semester credit hours

Course Requirements

May include any appropriate courses numbered 10-299

May include any appropriate courses numbered 10-299

May include any appropriate courses numbered 10-299

General Education Requirements

A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of credit hour requirements shall be in general education, including 1 three-credit English course.

A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of credit hour requirements shall be in general education, including 1 three-credit English course.

There are no general education requirements.

Graduation Requirements

See p 5-8

  • 25% of courses must be taken at home institution.
  • 2.0 GPA
  • Graduation honors eligible

See p 5-8

  • 25% of courses must be taken at home institution.
  • 2.0 GPA
  • Graduation honors eligible

See page 5-8

  • 25% of courses must be taken at home institution.
  • 2.0 GPA
  • Not eligible for graduation honors


State Board for Community Colleges


Local College Board


General Education

The programs in general education at WCC emphasize broad learning that goes beyond job training and skill development. Each degree and certificate program of the college contains prescribed general education courses, including academic courses in the humanities/fine arts, social/behavioral sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, wellness, and communication skills. General education is that portion of the collegiate experience that addresses the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values characteristic of educated persons. It is unbounded by disciplines and honors the connections among bodies of knowledge.

Wytheville Community College is committed to offering its students programs that encompass the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by each individual to be more effective as a person, a worker, a consumer, and a citizen. Through a combination of general education courses, specialized courses in the major field, and student development courses, graduates are provided with a collegiate experience that supports the development of the following general education goals.

Student Learning Outcomes for Each of the General Education Goal Areas

WCC degree graduates will demonstrate competency in the following general education areas:





Graduates of WCC will be able to:

Scientific Literacy

Scientific literacy is the ability to apply the scientific method and related concepts and principles to make informed decisions and engage with issues related to the natural, physical, and social world.  Degree graduates will recognize and know how to use the scientific method, and to evaluate empirical information.


  • Recognize basic knowledge of science, technology, and the scientific method of inquiry. 
  • Apply basic knowledge of science, technology, and the scientific method of inquiry in a laboratory setting. 
  • Communicate and critically analyze biological knowledge and evaluate empirical information. 

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to use information, ideas and arguments from relevant perspectives to make sense of complex issues and solve problems. Degree graduates will locate, evaluate, interpret, and combine information to reach well-reasoned conclusions or solutions.

  • Evaluate information to aid in reaching well-reasoned conclusions or solutions 
  • Develop a plan using mathematics for a critical thinking assignment. 
  • Integrate critical thinking into entry-level nursing care. 

Civic Engagement

The ability to contribute to the civic life and well-being of local, national, and global communities as both a social responsibility and life-long learning process. Degree graduates will demonstrate the knowledge and civic values necessary to become informed and contributing participants in a democratic society. 

  • Define civic engagement. 
  • Explore opportunities for civic engagement within the service region of WCC. 
  • Develop an individualized plan for civic engagement opportunities.

Quantitative Literacy

Quantitative literacy is the ability to perform accurate calculations, interpret quantitative information, apply and analyze relevant numerical data, and use results to support conclusions. Degree graduates will calculate, interpret, and use numerical and quantitative information in a variety of settings.

  • Perform accurate calculations. 
  • Interpret mathematical   modules such as formulas, graphs and tables.
  • Apply and analyze mathematical models of real-world situations.  

Written Communication

Students will develop the process of writing: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and reflecting. Related activities include reading, analyzing, paraphrasing, and summarizing with writings of others.

  • Create a personal narrative with clear and consistent competence. 
  • Develop a cause and effect paper that is has content and clarity statement with clear and competence. 
  • Create an argumentative with rhetorical knowledge that is clear and competent.

Professional Readiness

Professional readiness is the ability to work well with others and display situationally and culturally appropriate demeanor and behavior.  Professionally ready degree graduates will be able to demonstrate skills important for successful transition into the workplace and/or pursuit of further education.

  • Demonstrate how professionalism and communication skills can lead to successful workplace behavior.
  • Apply communication principals and discuss conflicting points of view.
  • Create a professional resume that demonstratres skills important for successful transition. 

Information Literacy Statement

Upon graduation from a degree program, all students will be able to (1) determine the nature and extent of the information needed; (2) access needed information effectively and efficiently; (3) evaluate information and its sources critically and incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base; (4) use information effectively, individually or as a member of a group, to accomplish a specific purpose; and (5) understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and access and use information ethically and legally.


Curricular students are required to complete tests, such as the Virginia Placement Test (VPT) to determine entry level placement into reading, writing, and math classes. Additionally, students may be required to participate in one or more tests, projects, or other academic activities designed to measure general education achievement and/or achievement in selected major areas prior to graduation. These tests are designed to evaluate programs. Program assessment test results will remain confidential and will be used for the sole purpose of college improvement. Students may have access to their own test scores upon request.

Student Outcomes Assessment

The college uses a variety of assessment activities to ensure that its educational programs achieve their stated purposes.

Entering freshmen, candidates for graduation, and graduates are assessed through standardized and nationally-normed instruments, in-house developed tests, exit interview questionnaires, and employer surveys.

The assessment process focuses on the following four areas: basic skills testing for English and mathematics placement, the student’s progress in the major, an assessment of the general education component among transfer curricula, and follow-up studies on alumni, dual-enrollment students, off-campus centers, transfer students, and area employers.

College Transfer Programs


Career & Technical Education Programs


Developmental Courses

Developmental courses do not fulfill degree requirements. They are designed to help students build the foundation needed to succeed in college-level courses.

The developmental courses at WCC provide supplementary and compensatory learning experiences that are directly related to curricular or subject areas. These courses assist individuals in developing both basic study skills and subject knowledge necessary to succeed in their college programs.

Increasing numbers of students are continuing, extending, or updating their educational experience in areas of occupational-technical skills and in traditional academic areas. With this growth, WCC assumes the responsibility to support and enhance each student’s opportunity and potential for success through the developmental studies courses and through a continued commitment to serve the educational needs of the service region.

Cooperative Education

Co-op/internship students are employed part-time at work experience sites in positions related to their future career goals. The typical work week is 10-25 hours, depending upon the number of credits to be earned. It is preferred that students take advantage of the Internship Program (without pay) while working at non-profit entities. Experiential learning, combined with classroom theory, enhances the development and professional preparation of the co-op/internship student.

Workforce Development - Continuing Education and Community Services

Workforce Development

Employer Training Services

The Workforce Development Staff will work with private and public sector employers to design innovative programs that will meet the specific training needs of each organization. Most often the training is the result of a needs assessment completed in cooperation with management and employees. The Office of Workforce Development will provide training at the work site, on the WCC Campus or at off-site locations and will tailor the class schedule to accommodate the demands of work schedules. For more information, see the WCC web site at

Manufacturing Technology Center

The Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC) is a catalyst for enhancing competitiveness, increasing profitability, and improving economic opportunity for Southwestern Virginia’s Industry. It is responsive to the needs of manufacturers, helps them manage change, and promotes a progressive industrial image. The center accomplishes its mission by providing direct assistance, demonstration projects, and consultation services.

The MTC is a consortium of the five community colleges of Southwestern Virginia: Mountain Empire, New River, Southwest Virginia, Virginia Highlands, and Wytheville. The center is advised by an Advisory Board made up of industry leaders, economic development and agency representatives, and the presidents of the consortium community colleges.

Continuing Education

Wytheville Community College realizes that education is a continuing lifelong process. All individuals in the college’s service region need the opportunity to develop and increase their knowledge in their personal, community and work environments. Continuing Education is the outreach arm of the college dedicated to meeting the ongoing educational needs of the community.

Community Services

College Facilities and Services

The facilities and personnel of the college are available to provide specialized services to help meet the cultural and educational needs of the region served by Wytheville Community College. Some of the community services available through the college are:

Continuing Adult Education
Speakers for Local Organizations
Workshops and Seminars
Community Research and Development Projects
Academic and Career Counseling
Career Development Services

Campus facilities are also available for use by community organizations and individuals.

Athletic Fields and Tennis Courts

The college has developed specific policies and procedures which govern the use of its facilities.

Regional Programming

The college makes educational opportunities available to everyone in the service region through its program of regional classes. Each semester, numerous credit courses are scheduled at a variety of locations throughout the service region.

These programs allow individuals to take classes in their home communities without having the added expense of traveling to the main campus in Wytheville. WCC offers off-campus classes at the Crossroads Institute in Galax and WCC at the Henderson in Marion.

Transfer Electives

The social/behavioral sciences elective requirement can be satisfied by courses with the following prefixes: ECO,GEO, PLS, HIS, PSY, and SOC. Please see Table 1.

The humanities elective requirement can be satisfied by completing literature (ENG), humanities (HUM), philosophy (PHI), art (ART), music (MUS), speech courses addressing performing arts or the history of theatre (CST) and religion courses (REL). ENG 112 , CST 100 , CST 105, CST 110  and CST 115 may not be used to satisfy humanities electives requirements. Please see Table 3.

The literature elective requirement can be satisfied by any 200-level English literature course, exclusive of composition and creative writing courses. Please see table 2.

Students should consult with their academic advisors to determine the most appropriate electives for their intended transfer institutions and majors.