Catalog & Student Handbook 2019-2020 
    Jan 30, 2025  
Catalog & Student Handbook 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Handbook


Academic and Computer Integrity Policies

College Expectations of the Student

Honor Code

Wytheville Community College will not tolerate any form of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, knowingly furnishing false information to the college, forgery, or alteration of documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud. All students are expected to adhere to the Honor Code and may be required to sign a pledge on their work, such as: “Pledge: On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment.”

Academic Integrity

In order to avoid plagiarism, a student should use his/her own ideas, words, programs, etc. When students use someone else’s material, give credit to the author/artist/originator. There are many ways to give proper credit. Students may give credit in the text of the paper, or in a footnote, endnote, or parenthetical citation. Students should check with their instructors as to the method that they prefer.

When it is clearly established that academic integrity has been breached, the following protocol will serve as guidelines for disciplinary action unless otherwise specified in the course syllabus:

  1. The first offense will result in the student receiving an “F” on the assignment.
  2. A second offense will result in an “F” for the course.
  3. A third offense will result in Academic Suspension from the college for a minimum of one semester. Readmission will be considered on an individual basis.

Copyright Statement

It is illegal to save, duplicate, or distribute copyrighted materials. Copyright applies to all created works, including audio, texts, and videos. Content authors and creators keep all rights to their works. Within limits, professors may share copyrighted instructional content with students. A Fair Use exemption to the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) lets faculty hand out or post links to material for class use only. Learners have a right and responsibility to use these educational resources. Further circulation is not allowed. Enrolled students can only access and use copyrighted content to meet course goals. Sharing class materials breaks copyright law.

Classroom Protocol

In the event a faculty member is late for class, students should wait fifteen minutes, make an attendance list with the signature of all students present, and leave the attendance list in the Office of the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development. Students will be notified by WCC email in the event of a cancellation.

Use of any tobacco products are not permitted in classrooms at any time. It at the instructor’s discretion to allow food, beverage or electronic devices. For lengthy classes, faculty members usually provide a break.

Although there is no specific dress code, all students are expected to dress appropriately for class. As a safety regulation, shoes must be worn at all times.

Students are expected to observe the attendance and lateness policies, which are published in course outlines, and which are set by individual faculty members.

Children or pets of any kind are not allowed in the classroom. Service animals are permitted with proper authorization.

Acceptable Use Policy for All College Computers

Computer Ethics Guidelines

Thousands of users share VCCNet computing resources. Everyone must use these resources responsibly since misuse by even a few individuals has the potential to disrupt VCCS business or the work of others. Students are expected exercise ethical behavior when using VCCNet resources.

State Law (Article 7.1 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia) classifies damage to computer hardware or software (18.2-152.4), unauthorized examination (18.2-152.5), or unauthorized use (18.2-152.6) of computer systems as  misdemeanor crimes. Computer fraud (18.2-152.3) and use of a computer as an instrument of forgery (18.2-152.14) can be felonies. The VCCS’s internal procedures for enforcement of its policy are independent of possible prosecution under the law.

VCCNet resources include mainframe computers, minicomputers, microcomputers, networks, software, data, facilities and related supplies.


The following guidelines shall govern the use of all VCCNet resources:

A student must use only those computer resources that the student has the authority to use. The student must not provide false or misleading information to gain access to computing resources. The VCCS may regard these actions as criminal acts and may treat them accordingly. The student must not use the VCCNet resources to gain unauthorized access to computing resources of other institutions, organizations or individuals.

A student must not authorize anyone to use his/her computer accounts for any reason. The student responsible for all use of his/her accounts. They must take all reasonable precautions, including password maintenance and file protection measures, to prevent use of his/her account by unauthorized persons. Students must not, for example, share their passwords with anyone.

The student must use his/her computer resources only for authorized purposes. Students or staff, for example, may not use their accounts for private consulting.A student must not use his/her computer resources for unlawful purposes, such as the installation of fraudulently or illegally obtained software.

Use of external networks connected to the VCCNet must comply with the policies of acceptable use promulgated by the organizations responsible for those networks.

Other than material known to be in the public domain, the student must not access, alter, copy, move or remove information, proprietary software or other files (including programs, members of subroutine libraries, data and electronic mail) without prior authorization. The college or VCCNet data trustee, security officer, appropriate college official or other responsible party may grant authorization to use electronically stored materials in accordance with policies, copyright laws and procedures. A student must not copy, distribute, or disclose third party proprietary software without prior authorization from the licenser. A student must not install proprietary software on systems not properly licensed for its use.

A student must not use any computing facility irresponsibly or needlessly affect the work of others. This includes transmitting or making accessible offensive, annoying or harassing material. This includes intentionally, recklessly, or negligently damaging systems, intentionally damaging or violating the privacy of information not belonging to the student. This includes the intentional misuse of resources or allowing misuse of resources by others. This includes loading software or data from untrustworthy sources, such as free-ware, onto official systems without prior approval.

A student should report any violation of these regulations by another individual and any information relating to a flaw or bypass of computing facility security to the Information Security Officer or the Internal Audit department.

Enforcement Procedure

Faculty, staff and students at the college or VCCNet facility should report violations of information security policies to the local Chief Information Officer (CIO). At WCC, this is the Director of Institutional Computing.

If the accused is an employee, the CIO will collect the facts of the case and identify the offender. If, in the opinion of the CIO, the alleged violation is of a serious nature, the CIO will notify the offender’s supervisor. The supervisor, in conjunction with the college or System Office Human Resources Office and the CIO, will determine the appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions may include but are not limited to:

  • Temporary restriction of the violator’s computing resource access for a fixed period of time, generally not more than six months.
  • Restitution for damages, materials consumed, machine time, etc., on an actual cost basis. Such restitution may include the costs associated with determining the case facts.
  • Disciplinary action for faculty and classified staff in accordance with the guidelines established in the State Standards of Conduct Policy.

In the event that a student is the offender, the accuser should notify the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services. The Vice President, in cooperation with the CIO, will determine the appropriate disciplinary actions which may include but are not limited to:

  • Temporary restriction of the violator’s computing resource access for a fixed period of time, generally not more than six months.
  • Restitution for damages, materials consumed, machine time, etc. on an actual cost basis. Such restitution may include the costs associated with determining the case facts.
  • Disciplinary action for student offenders shall be in accordance with the college student standards of conduct.

The college President will report any violations of state and federal law to the appropriate authorities. All formal disciplinary actions taken under this policy are grievable and the accused may pursue findings through the appropriate grievance procedure.

Any student disciplined under these academic policies has a right to appeal under the college grievance policy.

Academic Processes

Attendance Policy

Students are responsible for their own learning and are expected to attend class. Missing class compromises learning. If the number of student absences EXCEEDS twice the number of weekly meetings of the class, the student may be withdrawn from the course.

Regular attendance in classes is required for students to get the greatest value from their educational experiences. When absence from a class is necessary, the student should tell the instructor ahead of time, whenever possible. Within the expressed policy established by the faculty member, a student should make up all work missed during an absence. If the student does not do so, his/her grade in the course will consequently be lower than if satisfactory work had been turned in.

The college also has adopted an optional Instructor- Initiated Withdrawal Policy which permits an instructor to withdraw, without academic penalty, any student with excessive absences as defined by that policy. Faculty choosing this option for their course(s) must inform students enrolled in the course(s) by including information in the course outline/syllabus at the beginning of the semester.

Grading System

A - Excellent 4 grade points per credit
B - Good 3 grade points per credit
C - Satisfactory 2 grade points per credit
D - Poor 1 grade point per credit
F - Failure 0 grade point per credit
I - Incomplete No credit; used for verifiable unavoidable reasons. Since the “incomplete” extends enrollment in the course, requirements for satisfactory completion will be established through student/faculty consultation. Courses for which the grade of “I” (incomplete) has been awarded must be completed by the end of the subsequent semester or another grade (A, B, C, D, F, P, R, S, U, or W) must be awarded by the instructor based upon the course work which has been completed. In the case of “I” grades earned at the end of the spring semester, students will have through the end of the subsequent fall semester to complete the requirements. A “W” grade should be awarded only under documented, mitigating circumstances which must be approved by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development. A copy of the documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file.
P - Pass No grade point credit; applies only to non-Developmental Studies and specialized courses and seminars offered at the discretion of the college.

R - Re-Enroll
No grade point credit. The R grade may be used as a grade option, interim in nature in those courses which employ a mode of instruction characterized by explicit terminal objectives covering the various content areas in such a way that specific determination of student progress toward total course completion can be made.  Examples of this mode are as follows: a) Individualized, self-paced instruction; b) Modularized, group paced instruction. The R grade may be given only in courses which will be offered in any semester and which will employ a mode of instruction described in a) and/or b) above. The courses in which the methodology will be used will be designated by their applicability to the established procedures for the R grade and will be identified by the Academic Dean and approved by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development.
S - Satisfactory No grade point credit. Used only for satisfactory completion of a Developmental Studies course (numbered 01-09).
U - Unsatisfactory No grade point credit; applies only to Developmental Studies, and specialized courses and seminars at the discretion of the college.
W - Withdrawal No grade point credit. A student may withdraw from a course without academic penalty within the first 60% of the course. The student will receive a grade of “W.” After that time the student will receive a grade of “F,” except in rare, documented circumstances. A copy of the documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file.
X - Audit No grade point credit. Permission of the academic dean and instructor is required to audit a course.

Grade Point Average

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in courses by the total number of credits attempted. Courses which do not generate grade points are not included in credits  attempted.

Semester Grade Point Average: Semester GPA is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in courses attempted for the semester by the total number of credits attempted.

Cumulative Grade Point Average: Cumulative GPA, which includes all courses attempted, is computed each semester and is maintained on a continuing basis as a record of the student’s academic standing. When students repeat a course, only the last grade earned is counted in the computation of the cumulative GPA.

Curriculum Grade Point Average: A curriculum GPA, which includes only those courses applicable to the student’s curriculum, is computed in order to ensure that the student satisfies the graduation requirement for that curriculum. When students repeat a course, only the last grade earned is counted in the computation of the curriculum GPA.

Pass/Unsatisfactory Grading Option

Pass/Unsatisfactory grading options are available through “P” and “U” grades. Permission of the academic dean is required for utilizing Pass/Unsatisfactory options. Pass grades carry academic credit but neither “P” nor “U” grades are used when calculating the grade point average (GPA).

A maximum of seven (7) semester credit hours for courses for which the “P” grade has been awarded may be applied toward completion of a degree, diploma, or certificate. This maximum may be extended to fifteen (15) semester credit hours in experiential learning programs approved by the Chancellor.

Grade Reports

Final grade reports will not be mailed.  Students may view their final grades in the Student Information System (SIS).  Students can access the SIS by logging into My WCC with their username and password.

Academic Renewal Policy

The purpose of academic renewal is to adjust the cumulative grade point average (GPA) of students who earned grades of “F” or “D” previously.

Currently enrolled students who return to the college after a separation of five (5) years or more may petition for academic renewal. The request must be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office by completion of the “Academic Renewal Petition Form.”

If a student is awarded academic renewal, “D” and “F” grades earned prior to re-enrollment will be deleted from the cumulative and curriculum grade point average (GPA), subject to the following conditions:

  1. Prior to petitioning for academic renewal, the student must demonstrate a renewed academic interest and effort by earning at least a 2.5 GPA in the first twelve (12) semester hours (graded A, B, C, D, F) completed after re-enrollment.
  2. All grades received at the college will be a part of the student’s official transcript.
  3. Students can meet graduation requirements only with courses in which grades of “C” or better were earned prior to academic renewal, providing that such courses meet current curriculum requirements.
  4. Total hours for graduation will be based on all course work taken at the college after readmission, as well as former course work for which a grade of “C” or better was earned, credits transferred from other colleges or universities, or credit awarded at WCC by other approved methods.

The academic renewal policy may be used only once and cannot be revoked once approved.

An “Academic Renewal” notation will be made on the permanent record.

The granting of Academic Renewal does not affect any previous academic, financial, or administrative determination made by the college.

Course Repeat Policy

A student at Wytheville Community College is limited to two (2) enrollments in the same course. Should a student desire to take a course for a third time, he/she must get written approval from the appropriate academic dean prior to registering for that course. No student will be allowed to take a course more than three (3) times. This limitation does not apply to the general use, repeatable courses numbered 090-190-290, 095-195-295, 096-196-296, 097-197-297, 098-198-298, and 099-199-299. These numbers include internship, seminar, and supervised study courses.

When a student does repeat a course, the most recent grade earned will be the grade used in computing the grade point average for graduation. The most recent grade will also be the grade used to determine if the course has been passed. For example, if the most recent grade in a given course is an “F,” that course can not be used to satisfy a graduation requirement, regardless of any grade that may have been earned in that course in a previous enrollment.

While previous grades in repeated courses will not be used in computing grade point average for graduation, the previous grades will be included with the repeated grades in computing the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) if 1) the course is taken for the first time before the summer term of 1994, regardless when the course is repeated, or 2) if the course is taken for the first time during or after the summer of 1994 and is repeated before fall of 1996. If the course is taken for the first time during or after the summer of 1994 and is repeated after the fall of 1996, only the repeat grade will be used in the CGPA.

Academic Records

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, is a federal law which allows students access to their educational records and prohibits the release of information from students educational records by the institution without the written consent of the student, with certain specified exceptions.

Wytheville Community College grants all rights under the law to students who are declared independent. No one outside the institution will have access to, nor will the institution disclose, any information from the student’s educational records without written consent of the student, except to personnel within the institution, to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll, to persons or organizations providing student’s financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation functions, to persons in any emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. All these exceptions are permitted under the act.

At its discretion, the institution may provide directory information in accordance with the provisions of the act to include:

  1. Student’s name
  2. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  3. Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  4. Degrees, honors, and awards received
  5. Major field of study
  6. Dates of attendance
  7. Grade level
  8. The name of the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended
  9. Number of credit hours enrolled
  10. Photos

Directory information will be withheld for students who notify the Admissions and Records Office in writing using a form that can be found online here.

Request for nondisclosure will be honored by the institution for only one academic year; therefore, authorization to withhold directory information must be filed annually in the Admissions and Records Office. Detailed information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is available online.

Retention and Disposal of Records

The academic and personnel records of a student will be maintained either on paper copy or electronically by the college according to the following schedule:

  1. Permanent retention is required only for the academic transcript (student permanent record).
  2. Three-year retention from the date of student’s separation from the college is required for application forms, readmission forms, high school and college transcripts, residency forms, curriculum admission and change of curriculum forms, and other information kept in the student folder.
  3. Three-year retention from date of origination is required for registration, drop/add, and withdrawal forms, faculty grade reports, change of grade forms, and placement test results.
  4. One-year retention from date of origination is required for transcript request forms, application forms (non-matriculated students), change of student information such as name and/or address changes, and graduation applications and certifications.

Credits Applicable to Second Degree, Diploma, or Certificate

In awarding students an additional degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate, the college may grant credit for all completed applicable courses which are requirements of the additional degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate. However, the awards must differ from one another by at least 25% of the credits.

Outcomes Assessment Requirement

Students may be required to complete testing, survey, questionnaire or other assessment activities designed to measure general education achievement and/or achievement in selected major areas prior to graduation, for the purpose of evaluation of academic programs. No minimum score or level of achievement is required on this assessment for graduation. Assessment results will remain confidential and will be used for the sole purpose of improvement of the college.

Graduation Honors

Students who have completed the requirements in the curriculum are eligible for graduation honors according to their cumulative grade point average. For the purpose of the graduation ceremony, honor recognitions are based on the fall semester cumulative GPA. Transcripts and diplomas, however, will reflect the final semester cumulative GPA. The honors, based on scholastic achievement, are as follows:

3.2 Cum laude (with honor)
3.5 Magna cum laude (with high honor)
3.8 Summa cum laude (with highest honor)

Degrees and Certificates

Wytheville Community College offers the following degrees or certificates for students who successfully complete approved programs:

  1. Associate of Arts and Sciences (A.A.&S.) is awarded to students majoring in a specialized curriculum and who may transfer to four-year colleges or universities after completing their community college programs.
  2. Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree of diploma is awarded to students majoring in Occupational-Technical curricula and who may plan to obtain fulltime employment immediately after graduation from the college.
  3. Certificate is awarded to students who complete one of the approved non-degree curricula which are usually less than two years in length.

Graduation Requirements

Associate Degree/Diploma Requirements

To be awarded an associate degree or diploma from the college, students must:

  1. Have fulfilled all course and credit hour requirements of their curricula as outlined in the college catalog/student handbook. At least 25% of the credits must be earned at WCC.
  2. Have filed an application for graduation in the Admissions Office by the publicized deadline. For Fall, the deadline is in October; for Spring, the deadline is in November; for Summer, the deadline is in July.
  3. Have earned a grade point average of at least 2.0 in all studies attempted which are applicable toward graduation in their curricula.
  4. Have been certified for graduation by an appropriate college official. Students must first meet with their assigned faculty advisor for graduation certification.
  5. Have resolved all financial obligations to the college and returned all library and other college materials.

Certificate Requirements

To be eligible for graduation with a certificate from the college, a student must:

  1. Have fulfilled all of the course and credit hour requirements of the curriculum specified in the college catalog/student handbook with a minimum of 25% of the credits having been earned at WCC.
  2. Have earned a grade point average of at least 2.0 in all studies which are applicable toward graduation in the student’s curriculum.
  3. Have filed an application for graduation in the Admissions Office by the publicized deadline.
  4. Have resolved all financial obligations to the college and returned all library and other college materials.
  5. Have been certified for graduation by an appropriate college official.

Upon recommendation of the instructional division and the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development, students who pursue a degree program but are unable to complete the requirements may be issued a certificate, provided the portion of study completed is equivalent to an approved certificate program offered at the college.

Career Studies Certificate Requirements

To be eligible to receive a career studies certificate from the college, a student must:

  1. Have fulfilled all of the course and credit hour requirements of the certificate as specified in the college catalog/student handbook with a minimum of 25% of the credits having been acquired at the college awarding the career studies certificate.
  2. Have been certified and recommended for completion by an appropriate college official.
  3. Have earned a grade point average of at least 2.0 in all studies which are applicable toward completion of the student’s career studies certificate.
  4. Have filed an application for certificate completion in the Admissions Office.
  5. Have resolved all financial, library, and other obligations to the college.

Academic Terminology

Academic Standing

  1. Good Standing - Students are considered to be “in good academic standing” if they maintain a semester minimum GPA of 2.0, are eligible to enroll again at the college, and are not on academic suspension or dismissal status.
  2. Academic Warning - Students who fail to attain a minimum grade point average of 2.00 for any semester shall receive an academic warning to be printed on their grade report.
  3. Academic Probation - A student is placed on academic probation when: the cumulative grade point average is less than 1.5 and cumulative hours attempted are greater than twelve. The statement “Academic Probation” is placed on the student’s permanent record. A student on academic probation is ineligible for appointed or elected office in any student organization and usually is required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester.  A student in a degree program is cautioned that, although an average between 1.5 and 1.99 may not result in formal academic probation, a minimum of 2.0 in a curriculum is a prerequisite for receipt of an associate degree or certificate.
  4. Academic Suspension - A student is placed on academic suspension when: the semester grade point average is less than 1.5; the student’s current status is academic probation; and cumulative hours attempted are greater than twenty-three. Academic suspension normally will be for one semester, excluding summer, unless the student reapplies and is accepted for readmission to another curriculum of the college. The summer semester will not count as a semester out of school for students who are academically suspended. The statement “Academic Suspension” will be placed on the student’s permanent record.  Suspended students may be readmitted after termination of the suspension period and upon formal written petition to the chair of the Admissions and Standards Committee.  The written appeal must be submitted prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student seeks to re-enroll.
  5. Academic Dismissal - Students who do not maintain  at least a 2.0 grade point average for the semester of reinstatement to the college when on academic suspension will be academically dismissed. Students who have been placed on academic suspension and achieve a 2.0 grade point average for the semester of their reinstatement must maintain at least a 1.5 cumulative grade point average in each subsequent semester of attendance. Students remain on probation until their cumulative grade point average is raised to a minimum of 1.5. Failure to attain a cumulative 1.5 grade point average in each subsequent semester until cumulative GPA reaches a 1.5 will result in academic dismissal. Academic dismissal normally is permanent unless, with good cause, students reapply and are accepted under special consideration for readmission by the Admissions and Standards Committee of the college. A written appeal must be submitted prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student seeks to re-enroll. The statement “Academic Dismissal” will be placed on the student’s permanent record.

Normal Academic Load

The normal academic course load for a student is 15-17 credits. The minimum full-time load is 12 credits and the normal maximum full-time load is 18 credits, excluding College Success Skills (SDV 100   or SDV 101 .   Students wishing to carry an academic load of more than 18 credits should have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and must have the approval of the dean of the student’s academic program.  Only under extraordinary circumstances may students petition the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development to enroll for more than 23 credit hours in a semester. Students placed on academic warning or academic probation may be required to take less than the normal course load.


An orientation program is provided to acquaint students with the college’s services, programs, and enrollment procedures. Orientation begins when students meet with counselors to discuss their educational interests and abilities and to plan their programs at the college. In addition, all firsttime curricular students must complete a one-credit College Success Skills course (SDV 100 ) within the first 15 credits of enrollment.* The topics and activities for this course include campus tours, introduction to college procedures and regulations, career information, and study skills. Note: Orientation may be waived upon request if student has previously completed a two- or four-year degree.

WCC utilizes Navigate, an online student success management system, to acquaint new students with the college’s services and enrollment procedures.  Upon application to the College, students log into Navigate where they are “onboarded” and have access to a To-Do list that details the path to becoming a student.  Students have the opportunity to complete a career interest assessment, become familiar with curriculum requirements, and obtain support resources.

In additional, all new students are required to meet with an Academic Advisor before registering for classes.  All first-time curriculuar students must enroll in a one-credit College Success Skills course (SDV 100 ) during their first semester.  The topics and activities in this course are designed to promote student success including introduction to college policies and procedures, study skills development and career information.

Developmental Studies

Developmental Studies provide an opportunity to obtain needed knowledge and skills for an individual who is not fully prepared for entry into a curriculum. This lack of preparation is often caused by non-completion or low achievement in previous educational endeavors.  Developmental Studies also provide the opportunity for mature students to review skills taken in the past. Students are placed in Developmental Studies after analysis of placement test scores, transcripts, and other achievement data.

Through the use of specialized teaching methods and modern equipment, and with extensive concentration upon individualized laboratory experiences, the student may progress at his or her own rate through concentrated effort in the areas of weakness. Frequent testing reveals student progress. A student may be enrolled only in developmental courses or, if qualified, may enroll in a combination of degree and developmental courses.

In the grading system “S” means satisfactory, “R” means re-enroll and “U” means unsatisfactory. A Developmental Studies student receiving a “U” the second time in the same class would be permitted to enroll in the class additional times only with the permission of the appropriate academic dean. A student for whom Developmental Studies courses are required will be expected to enroll in these courses each semester until either the course objectives are met or approved changes are made in curricular goals or requirements. Non-developmental courses may be taken at the same time, provided Developmental Studies classes are not prerequisites.

Distance Learning

Wytheville Community College regularly offers college level courses which do not require students to attend traditional face-to-face class meetings. These courses fall into two categories: hybrid and distance learning. Hybrid courses combine limited face-to-face meetings with online delivery of instruction and materials. Distance learning courses do not require face-to-face class meetings; instruction and materials are fully delivered via the Internet.

Upon the start of a hybrid/distance learning course, the student is provided with appropriate materials and communication which may include: course outline/syllabus, assignment schedule, and assessments via the VCCS learning management and email systems. These statewide systems are designed to provide a high level of security to ensure student privacy and course integrity.

WCC faculty design and deliver these hybrid/distance learning courses. Many of WCC’s faculty have received Quality Matters™ Training and their courses have been peer reviewed using the college’s quality assurance process. The instructors along with distance learning, information technology and student services personnel are available for student assistance, as needed.

Dean’ s List and President’s Honor Roll

Dean’s List - Students enrolled full-time who earn a semester grade point average of 3.2 or better for the semester are placed on the Dean’s List.

President’s Honor Roll - Students who have earned a minimum of 20 hours of credit at the college, are carrying a minimum of 6 semester hours in a given semester, and have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher are included in the President’s Honor Roll for that semester.


Wytheville Community College has one formal graduation exercise in May for students completing certificate, diploma, and degree programs. All graduating students completing their programs in the spring are encouraged to attend graduation. Prospective graduates must meet with their faculty advisor and file an application for graduation by the published deadline. Applications can be obtained in the Admissions Office or online. Students are permitted to participate in the Spring graduation ceremony if they have completed a program of study or will complete their program during the summer term.

Policy and Procedures for Awarding Associate Degrees Posthumously

At the request of a parent, guardian, spouse, child of the decedent, or an interested party, Wytheville Community College will award an associate degree posthumously to a student in good academic and financial standing who had entered the second semester of the second year of an associate degree program and completed at least 80 percent of the degree requirements. The Dean of Student Success and Academic Development or Academic Deans may recommend the waiving of the remaining requirements for the appropriate academic degree.

The Dean’s recommendation and appropriate documentation will be submitted to the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development and the college registrar for review. If approved, the recommendation will be forwarded by the Vice President to the President for final approval.

Upon prior approval of the family, the name of the deceased student will be announced at commencement and the diploma will be given to a family member of the deceased or to someone chosen by the family.

Once You Are a WCC Student


Students can expect to receive a syllabus in each class within a week of the initial class meeting. The syllabus contains all pertinent information for the class including the instructor’s expectations, instructor contact information, grading scales and attendance policies.

Final Exams

Final examinations are required in all courses except for courses which are skill competency-based and some Developmental Studies courses in which the final examination and the completion of the course may occur at any time during the semester.

All students will be expected to take their examinations at the regularly scheduled times. Exceptions shall be made ONLY with the permission of the academic dean and the instructor of the course.

Usually four days are scheduled for final exams each semester. The exam schedule is distributed by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development. The following minimum times should be allotted for exams:

  • 1 credit course - 50 minutes final exam
  • 2 credit course - 100 minutes final exam
  • 3 credit course - 150 minutes final exam
  • 4 credit course - 150 minutes final exam

Academic Progress

Grading system:

  • Grades of A, B, C, D, S and P are passing grades.
  • Grades of F and U are failing grades.
  • Grades of P, R, S and U apply only to Developmental Studies courses.
  • Grades of I mean Incomplete; that is, the student was unable to finish the course after having completed nearly all of the work and has been granted a one semester extension. When the student completes the work, the instructor for the class will submit a new grade. After one semester, a grade of I will revert to an F, if the work has not been completed.
  • Grades of W are shown on a transcript when a student has withdrawn from a class after the initial add and drop period in the semester. A W has no effect on the student’s grade point average, but may affect Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid.
  • Normally, if a student transfers to a four-year college or university, only grades of A, B, and C will be accepted for credit in courses equivalent to those offered at the four-year college or university.

The recommended numerical range for each letter grade is as follows:

A: 91 - 100
B: 81 - 90
C: 71 - 80
D: 61 - 70
F: 60 or below

Instructors are not required to follow this recommended scale; however, if an instructor plans to deviate from these figures, the students will be informed in the class syllabus at the beginning of the term.

Grade Reports

Students may view their final grades on the WCC website by logging into the SIS system at Grade reports will not be mailed. Students must have their username and password in order to access their grades.

Academic Resources


The WCC Library is located in Smyth Hall, and is open Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

The Library contains books, periodicals, audio-visual materials, and electronic resources to meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students. The library is open to the public. An ID is required to check out materials.

The Library contains more than 29,000 volumes and receives over 180 periodicals and other serial services. Electronic resources are available in the Library through VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia). The book collection is housed in open stacks, and the reading room provides a quiet place to study. The Library’s collection is accessed through an online catalog.

The library offers students quiet areas and areas for group work.  A group study room is available upon request.  Food and drinks are allowed in the library.  Coffee, tea, and hot cocoa are available from 8 a.m. to one-half hour before closing.

The F.B. Kegley Library, donated to the college in 1968, contains materials on local and Virginia history, including rare books, census records, church records, original maps, and an oral history collection. This collection is available from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Lost Materials and Fines

Students who damage or lose library materials are expected to pay for such losses.

Patrons are billed at the current replacement value of books and videos/DVDs. Out-of-print books are billed at $50.00 and unavailable audio-visual materials are billed at $100.00. If materials are found after they have been paid for, the borrower must present the material and the receipt to the library. The Business Office will be notified to request reimbursement from the Virginia State Treasurer. Payments for lost materials are nonrefundable after 30 days.


Student Success 1 Stop

The Student Success 1 Stop (Room 100, Bland Hall) offers a variety of academic and student support services to include:

  • A secured, proctored testing center for general usage.
  • Pearson Vue authorized testing center.
  • Financial Aid
  • Admissions and Records
  • Dual Enrollment services for high school students
  • Academic advisors and counselors who are available to assist with academic advising, disability services, veteran support, transfer assistance, and referrals to community agencies.
  • Tutoring in most general education areas.

Computer Lab

Computers are available to students in the Lirbrary in Smyth Hall on a first-come, first-served basis. Computers for research purposes are also available in the library. Other labs may be available for student use outside class upon request.

Student Success Programs

TRIO Programs

TRIO Programs are federally-funded programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. WCC has three TRIO Programs: Student Support Services, Educational Talent Search and Upward Bound.

Student Support Services (Project AIM)

The Student Support Services Program’s mission is to assist eligible students with the goal of increasing their retention, graduation, and transfer rates. Services that are provided by Project AIM include:

  • Personal and Educational Counseling
  • Academic Advisement
  • Career Counseling
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Tutorial Services
  • Transfer Assistance
  • Financial Aid Advisement
  • Book Loans
  • Cultural Activities

Offices for the Student Support Services (Project AIM) staff are located inside Carroll Hall across from the WCC Police Department.

Educational Talent Search

The Educational Talent Search (ETS) Program is a federal project administered by the college as a community service. The program staff coordinates counseling, financial aid, and enrollment services for students over the age of 11. The office at Wytheville Community College serves WCC area residents. More information may be obtained in the ETS office in Room 233, Carroll Hall and via the college’s Internet web site (

Upward Bound

Upward Bound is a federally-funded program which encourages low-income, first-generation college or physically disabled students to attend college. The program serves students from 11 area intermediate and high schools. Upward Bound students participate in a year-round program designed to enhance their academic skills and desire to attend college. Upward Bound staff are located in Rooms 235, 236, and 238, Carroll Hall.

Services for Students with Disabilities

To support the educational pursuits of persons with disabilities in our service region, it is the mission of Wytheville Community College to 1) disseminate information to increase awareness of services available to persons with disabilities; 2) assist with the matriculation of persons with disabilities into the college environment; 3) develop and implement disability-related support services that promote the educational and personal development of persons with disabilities by networking with campus and community-based resources; and 4) assist with the successful integration of persons with disabilities into continued educational activities and/or the world of work.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states: “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity.”

“Otherwise qualified” in the ADA means that only those people who are able to meet the technical and academic qualifications for entry into a school, program or activity are protected by the ADA. This means that accommodations which are a “fundamental alteration” of a program or which would impose an undue financial or administrative burden are not required.

The college has no responsibility for identification and evaluation of students with disabilities. If an evaluation is needed, the expense is the student’s responsibility.

Procedure for Requesting Reasonable Accommodations

To initiate the request for accommodations the student must:

  • Meet the admission requirements: application for admission; transcripts; and placement testing. Alternate placement testing format be requested in advance.
  • Self-identify in Student Services that he or she has a disability.
  • Arrange an appointment with disability services counselor in Student Services to determine if he or she qualifies for reasonable accommodations.
  • Provide appropriate documentation (see the guidelines which follow) of the disability.
  • Request specific accommodation(s) 90 days in advance of the first day of class.
  • Discuss the disability with his or her academic advisor and instructors and provide them with a copy of the authorized ccommodations.

Guidelines for Documentation of Disabilities

Students seeking academic accommodations are required to submit documentation verifying eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

All documentation is confidential and is not considered a part of the academic transcript. The following guidelines are provided in the interest of identifying evaluation reports appropriate to document eligibility.

  • Documentation must be current (within three years) and comprehensive.
  • Reports must contain the names, titles, and license information of the evaluator(s), and the dates of evaluation(s).
  • Reports must be submitted on professional letterhead. Prescription pads and copies of letterhead are not acceptable.
  • Reports should contain recommendations for reasonable accommodations suitable to a postsecondary academic setting. Specific suggestions to best assist the identified student are also very helpful.

WCC’s Assistive Technology

WCC offers these programs to assist students with disabilities:

  • Dragon Naturally Speaking - allows computer access and use by voice
  • Track-ball mouse - Large mouse that is easier to manipulate than standard mouse
  • Spell Checkers - provides auditory feedback with comprehensive dictionary
  • Cassette Tape Recorders - records auditory information mobility issues

Other assistive technology requests will be reviewed on an individual basis and may be the responsibility of the student.

American with Disabilities Act Complaint Procedure

Wytheville Community College has adopted an internal procedure which provides for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Americans with Disabilities Act states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits, of, or be subjected to discrimination” in programs or activities sponsored by a public entity.

Complaints should be addressed to the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development, who has been designated to coordinate disability services for students.

  1. A complaint should be filed in writing, contain the name and address of the person filing it, and briefly describe the alleged violation of the regulations.
  2. A complaint should be filed within 30 calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation.
  3. An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of a complaint. The investigation shall be informal but thorough and afford all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to the complaint.
  4. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, shall be issued and forwarded to the complainant no later than 10 calendar days after its filing.
  5. The complainant can request a reconsideration of the case in instances of dissatisfaction with the resolution. The request for reconsideration should be made to the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development within 10 calendar days.
  6. The ADA coordinator shall maintain the files and records relating to the complaints filed.
  7. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder shall not be impaired by nor shall the use of this procedure be a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies.

Other remedies include the filing of an ADA complaint with the federal EEOC, or other responsible federal agency.


Campus Safety and Security

WCC will make every effort to provide a healthful and safe environment for students, employees, community patrons and visitors. The WCC Police Department was formed in 2012 and provides coverage on the Wytheville campus and at the Crossroads site. Officers are highly qualified and have experience and training in law enforcement and/or security. The college has established emergency preparedness plans and schedules and carries out emergency drills during the fall and spring semesters. Emergency notifications systems are in place including the WCC Alert Notification System (sign up link is on college website), Wytheville campus phone intercom system, and external loudspeaker. Emergency procedures are posted in classrooms and common areas.

The college has established the following standing committees that focus on campus safety: Safety Committee, Threat Assessment Committee, and Violence Prevention Committee. WCC actively complies with the Save Act (in compliance with Title IX) and has an established Violence Prevention Policy. The college also complies with the Clery Act by monitoring and reporting campus incidents. As an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, WCC completes annually an agency risk assessment with the goal of improving safety at the three WCC sites.

Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security

The Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, as amended by the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, requires colleges and universities to disclose to current and prospective students certain information.

  • Student Right-to-Know - Title I of the Act requires institutions to produce and make readily available to current students and to each prospective student enrolling or entering into any financial obligation information about the school’s academic programs, graduation or completion rates, and transfer-out rates on certificate or degree-seeking full-time, undergraduates who enter school on or after July 1, 1996. Graduation, Completion, and Transfer-out rate information will be given to each student upon payment of fees. The information is also available in the Director of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness, Bland Hall, Room 239.
  • Crime Awareness and Campus Security - Title II of the Act requires that institutions provide to their current students and to any applicant for enrollment information on institutional policies regarding security procedures and campus law enforcement, as well as a description of programs designed to inform students about crime prevention. Title II of the Act also calls for institutions to provide statistical data about the occurrence on campus of certain criminal offenses which have been reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies. Campus crime information is published annually on the college’s website. The information is also available in the WCC Police Department located on the lower level of Carroll Hall.


Wytheville Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, political affiliation, genetics, veteran status, or disability when the person is otherwise qualified in its educational programs and activities or employment. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Crystal Cregger, Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services, 215 Bland Hall, 1000 East Main Street, Wytheville VA 24382, 276-223-4762. For further information, see the list of OCR enforcement offices for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.

Student Conduct

As a member of Wytheville Community College’s student body, the student is considered to be a responsible adult. The student’s conduct while in class, on-campus, or participating in any other college-sponsored activity should reflect that adult responsibility. The college considers the student responsible for his/her conduct.

The great majority of students conduct themselves appropriately. In those cases in which a student’s behavior may be outside of the bounds of what is expected, the college reserves the right to take disciplinary action as needed to preserve order and/or to maintain an effective educational environment. Generally, the college will initiate disciplinary action when a student engages in any conduct not authorized by the college that disrupts the educational pursuits of other students, the maintenance of order, the educational environment on campus, or the proper functioning of the college. Examples of conduct for which a student may be subject to disciplinary action include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Academic cheating or plagiarism.
  • Disruptive behavior in classrooms, on campus, or at any other college-sponsored activity.
  • Unauthorized use or possession of firearms or fireworks.
  • Possession of alcoholic beverages.
  • Gambling.
  • Intentionally furnishing false information to the college.
  • Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification.
  • Lewd and lascivious behavior.
  • Reckless operation of a motor vehicle on campus property.
  • Assault and battery or threats of bodily harm to students, faculty or staff.
  • Destruction, damage, defacing or misuse of public or private property.
  • Theft, larceny, or embezzlement.
  • Writing bad checks to pay bills owed to the college.
  • Obscene conduct or public profanity.
  • Accessing obscene and pornographic materials on the college’s computers.
  • Manufacture, sale, possession, distribution, or use of narcotics, marijuana, or other controlled substances.
  • Illegal entry and/or occupation of state property.
  • Sexual harassment/sexual misconduct.
  • Using the college’s name for soliciting funds or other activity without authorization from a proper college authority.
  • Intentionally violating copyright laws.
  • Cell phone and electronic devices usage in class.

Electronic Bullying and Harassment Policy

When a student uses any type of social media for psychological, racial or sexual abuse or as a tool to bully or intimidate another student, faculty or staff member, that student will be in violation of this policy. The college administration and Threat Assessment Team (TAT) will take whatever disciplinary action that might be necessary to protect the rights of those being harassed or abused.

Misuse of Federal Funds Policy

Financial Aid is expected to be used for the student receiving the award for his or her educational expenses only. If students use federal funds for someone other than themselves or use funds in a way that does not support their own educational endeavors, the student is in violation of federal funds policy.

Violence Prevention Policy

Wytheville Community College prohibits threats and acts of violence on college property, within college facilities, at any college-sponsored event; while engaged in college business, educational, or athletic activities; and while traveling in state vehicles. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:

  • injuring another person physically;
  • engaging in behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to self or another person;
  • engaging in behavior that would subject a reasonable person to, and does subject another individual to, extreme emotional distress;
  • possessing, brandishing, or using a weapon while on state premises by students, except where possession is a result of participation in an organized and scheduled instructional exercise for a course, or where the student is a law enforcement professional;
  • possessing, brandishing, or using a firearm, weapon or other device by faculty or staff that is not required by the individual’s position while on college/system office property or engaged in college/system office business; or in violation of law or other college/system office policy, except where the employee is a law enforcement professional;
  • brandishing, using or possessing a weapon without a permit to carry a concealed weapon by third parties while on campus in academic or administrative buildings, or while attending a sporting, entertainment or educational event, when specifically asked by the college to agree not to possess a weapon as a condition of attendance. This provision does not apply to law enforcement personnel.
  • brandishing or using a weapon by third parties with a permit to carry a concealed weapon while on campus in academic or administrative buildings, or while attending a sporting, entertainment or educational event, when specifically asked by the college to agree not to possess a weapon as a condition of attendance. This provision does not apply to law enforcement personnel.
  • intentionally damaging property;
  • threatening to injure an individual (including oneself) or to damage property;
  • committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual harassment; and
  • retaliating against any employee or student who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy.

Consequences of Policy Violations:

  1. Employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and criminal prosecution using existing policies and procedures including Section 3 of the VCCS Policy Manual or DHRM Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct. Additionally, employees who are identified as engaging in the use of threatening language or behavior may be required, as a condition of continued employment, to participate in a mental health evaluation as part of a threat assessment process, and receive approval from the mental health evaluator that they are not a risk to themselves or others.
  2. Students violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in their respective college’s Student Handbook, and other college policies as appropriate. Additionally, students who are identified as engaging in the use of threatening language or behavior may be required, as a condition of continued enrollment, to participate in a mental health evaluation as part of a threat assessment process, and receive approval from the mental health evaluator that they are not a risk to themselves or others.
  3. Visitors and third parties violating this policy will be subject to applicable, state, and federal laws, and associated regulations, and may be barred from the college/System Office at the college’s/System Office’s discretion for violating this policy.

For the complete policy, see VCCS Policy Manual Section 3.14.6 (

Weapons Policy

As per the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order #50 (2015)- Executive Order To Prevent Gun Violence, Virginia Department Of General Services Directive #16 - Banning Open Carry Of Firearms, and the Virginia Administrative Code Title 1 Chapter 105 - Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms In Offices Owned Or Occupied By Executive Branch Agencies and Title 8 Chapter 10 - Regulation Of Weapons, Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.80 - Workplace Violence, any person while on Wytheville Community College property is prohibited from the possession or carrying of any weapon, except police officers, in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, dining facilities and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending any sporting, entertainment, or educational events. Entry upon Wytheville Community College property in violation of this prohibition is expressly forbidden.

Any individual in violation of this prohibition will be asked to remove the weapon immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student conduct referral, an employee disciplinary action, or arrest.

This policy shall not apply to current sworn and certified local, state, and federal law enforcement officers with proper identification, nor shall it apply to possession of a weapon when stored securely inside the vehicle of properly permitted students and employees.

The Wytheville Community College Chief of Police or his designee, may authorize in writing a person to possess, store, or use a weapon: (i) when used for educational or artistic instruction, display, parade, or ceremony sponsored or approved by the college (unloaded or disabled only and with other specified safeguards, if appropriate); or (ii) for any college-approved training, course, or class.

Drug-Free Learning Environment

Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Illicit Drugs

Wytheville Community College seeks to provide a safe and stable learning environment for its students. As a part of that effort, the college fully complies with all state and federal statutes relating to substance and alcohol use and abuse. The college is designated a drug-free zone and provides educational programs about the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.

The college’s drug prevention program has been established in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226).

In addition, WCC and/or any agency providing school sanctioned, off-campus learning experiences for students may require drug and/or alcohol testing prior to student placement or during a learning experience if documented behavior suggesting drug and/or alcohol abuse is exhibited.

Tobacco and Related Products

Smoking is defined as any product or apparatus (such and an electronic or e-cigarette) that emits smoke or is designed to simulate smoking cigarettes or any other tobacco product. At this time, smoking is allowed in certain designated areas. In situations where there is no designated area, the smoker should be 25 feet from the closest building.

The use of tobacco products is not permitted inside any WCC building including the Crossroads Institute and the Summit Center, and no tobacco products are allowed in any of the classrooms at regional sites. The college will continue to offer prevention information for all drugs to promote healthy living.

Sexual Misconduct

An educational institution is a community of trust whose very existence depends on the recognition of each individual’s importance and value. This trust creates and nurtures the freedom of each individual to live, think, act, and speak in a manner that contributes to a wholesome and productive academic environment. It is the intent of Wytheville Community College to foster and maintain a campus environment free of sexual misconduct and the fear of such behavior.

Sexual misconduct is a flagrant violation of the values and behavioral expectations for a college community. Wytheville Community College does not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form. All reported violations will be investigated and, if proven, punished through the college disciplinary processes.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct or written communication of a sexual nature which is intimidating, hostile or offensive. It takes two legal shapes:

  • Quid pro quo - Harassment occurs when the unwelcome conduct is either explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual’s employment and/or academic performance.
  • Hostile environment - Hostile environment harassment differs from ‘quid pro quo’ harassment in that no discriminatory effect on grades, wages, job assignments or other tangible benefits is required. Instead, such unwelcome sexist or sexual conduct has at least one of these purposes or effects:

    > It unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work and/or academic performance.

    > It creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work and/or academic environment.

Although sexual advances such as touching, patting, hugging or brushing against a person’s body are generally viewed as forms of sexual harassment, the acts are in fact legally categorized as assault, which is a misdemeanor offense. The victims of such unwanted sexual advances may take legal action.


Sexual harassment is contrary to the values of Wytheville Community College and will not be tolerated in any form. Sexual harassment, a form of sex discrimination, is prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This policy applies to all members of the college community including students, classified, wage employees and members of the instructional, administrative and professional faculty.

Any employee of or student at Wytheville Community College found to be in violation of the sexual harassment policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal or expulsion. WCC’s Violence Prevention Policy which includes the Policy on Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking can be viewed in its entirety on our website at

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

In conjunction with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, Section 1601 of Public Law 106-386 (HR 3244), the Commonwealth of Virginia enacted a sex offender registration act authorizing the Virginia State Police to release sex offender information to the public (Virginia Code 19.2.390.1). A list of registered sex offenders, which is searchable by zip code is provided at the web address: Click on Search the Public Notification Database and search by zip code.

WCC Policy Related to Legislation Regarding Admissions of Sex Offenders

Section 23-2.2:1 of the Code of Virginia requires that the VCCS send enrollment information to the Virginia State Police concerning applicants to institutions of higher education. This information is transmitted electronically and compared against the Virginia Criminal Information Network and National Crime Information Center Convicted Sexual Offender Registry. Language on the web application informs applicants that their information is being transmitted to the State Police.

In the event that the State Police determine that an applicant to Wytheville Community College is listed on the Sex Offender Registry, the State Police will notify WCC. When the college receives such a notification, the following procedures apply:

It is the responsibility of any applicant that has been convicted of any sex crimes to make that information available to the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development.

Based on Policy 6.0.1: (which grants schools the right to deny admission if an individual poses a threat or is a potential danger to the college community) WCC reserves the right to revoke the admission of any student that fails to notify the college that they are a convicted sex offender.

*Failure to do so could lead to automatic expulsion from WCC.

Students convicted of a sex crime that follow proper admission procedures will be evaluated by the college Threat Assessment Team. The Threat Assessment Team will make a recommendation to the college president that may include the following recommendations:

  1. Student is admitted to college on a probationary status.
  2. Student is admitted but only allowed to take online classes. Student is not allowed to be on campus.
  3. Student is denied admission.

The HEOA provides that a student who is subject to an involuntary civil commitment after completing a period of incarceration for a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense is ineligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant.

Communicable Diseases Policy


The college reserves the right to exclude any person with a communicable disease from college facilities, programs and functions if the college makes a determination that the restriction is in the best interests of the college community.

Persons shall not be so excluded solely on the basis that they have a communicable disease. Factors that will also be considered in determining whether to exclude persons with communicable diseases include whether the disease is contagious (easily transmitted) in ordinary public association, the nature of the disease including the typical risks to other persons in good health, the public health situation in the region, the nature of the person’s employment or (if applicable) clinical, cooperative or service learning placement, and whether the college is required by law to exclude persons with the disease.

A communicable disease shall be defined as an illness due to an infectious agent or its toxic products, which is transmitted directly or indirectly to a person from an infected person or animal through the agency of an intermediate animal host or vector, or through the inanimate environment. Communicable diseases shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS related complex (ARC)
  • Chickenpox
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Hepatitis A, B, C, and D
  • Infectious Mononucleosis
  • Influenza
  • Measles
  • Meningitis
  • Positive HIV antibody status
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Tuberculosis
  • Whooping Cough

Consideration of the existence of a disease will not be a part of the initial admission or enrollment decisions for students (except for requirements for clinical placement) or for the hiring of employees.

Persons who know or have reason to believe that they are infected with a communicable disease have an ethical and legal obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with such knowledge in order to protect themselves and others. Students and employees who have communicable diseases, whether symptomatic or not, will be allowed regular classroom and work attendance in an unrestrictive manner as long as they are physically able to attend classes, college activities and/or work and do not pose a medically proven threat for transmission of the disease or condition.

Persons who are infected with a communicable disease are expected to seek expert medical advice and are encouraged to advise local health authorities. Local health authorities should offer counseling to these persons about measures which can be taken to prevent the spread of infection and about ways to protect their own health.

Students and employees who know that they are infected with a communicable disease are urged to share that information with the appropriate college administrator. Students should contact the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development and employees should contact the President, so the college may respond appropriately to their needs. Medical information relating to the communicable diseases of a student or employee will be disclosed to responsible college officials only on a strictly limited need-to-know basis.

The college reserves the right to require a written statement from a person’s physician indicating that the person is no longer contagious or is able to resume physical activities.

Disruptive Students

Management of Crises and Behavioral Disturbances


Wytheville Community College reserves the right to dismiss students or remove faculty, staff, or patrons from the college when determined through documented evidence that post-traumatic/violent behavior may create a danger to himself/herself or other college students, faculty or staff. This policy refers to any college event or activity, athletic event, clinical, apprenticeship/internships, or any event sponsored by the college. When an individual is determined to be a danger to him/herself or others, the Office of the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development may take one or more of the following steps in order to reduce that danger:

  1. Notify parents or other responsible person.
  2. Notify police.
  3. Request a psychological evaluation of the student, faculty, staff or patron.
  4. Request that the student, faculty, staff or patron be placed in protective custody of police, parents, or hospital.

Because of the educational philosophy of the institution and the communities it serves, college officers will act in the best interests of the college and community as well as the individual. Similar action may also become necessary when there is repeated documentation of behavior which indicates that a student, faculty, staff or patron is unable to be responsible for his/her behavior to the extent that the behavior significantly interferes with the ability of other students, faculty and staff to continue or complete their work and to pursue an orderly course of living and study. This action may necessitate that the student, faculty, staff or patron be withdrawn or removed from the college.

Students that are disciplined, suspended, or expelled under any of the campus safety and security policies have the right to appeal by using the college “Grievance Procedure for Students.”

Threat Assessment Team

As a requirement of Virginia Code Section 23-9.2:10, each public college or university shall have in place policies and procedures for the prevention of violence on campus, including assessment and intervention with individuals whose behavior poses a threat to the safety of the campus community. WCC’s Threat Assessment Team will help develop policies and procedures for the prevention of violence on campus, including assessment and intervention with individuals whose behavior poses a threat to the safety of the campus community. All members of the Threat Assessment Team are considered to be school officials and will have complete access to student records when necessary to do their job.

Grievance Procedure for Students

In order to be fair and guarantee due process for students, WCC recognizes the need for an appeal policy. Students are encouraged to maintain open communication with faculty, counselors, and others who work with them in achieving educational goals. Differences which may occur are best resolved by direct, positive communication with the individual(s) concerned. The student must first discuss his or her concern directly with the other party; however, if the student remains dissatisfied with the results of the discussion, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. As stated above, the student will first meet with the faculty member or other college person with whom the concern is related and try to resolve the problem at that level. However, if a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student will proceed to step two. The student has five (5) working days to proceed to step two.
  2. The student will meet with the other parties Dean or Supervisor in a personal conference, The Dean or supervisor has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and the college employee involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the conference, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days of the Dean’s decision with the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development.
  3. The student will meet with the Vice President of Instruction and Student Development in a personal conference. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Development has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and/or the college employee involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the conference, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days with the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development.
  4. The Dean of Student Success and Academic Development will refer the unresolved grievance, together with all supporting statements and the aggrieved student’s written request, to the College Judicial Board.
  5. The College Judicial Board shall hold a hearing within five (5) working days after the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development’ referral for hearing. Judicial Board hearings will be conducted as specified in the Judicial Board bylaws.
  6. In reaching its decision, the Judicial Board shall consider only the evidence presented at the hearing and such oral and written arguments as the Judicial Board may consider relevant. Within five (5) working days after the hearing the Judicial Board shall make recommendations based upon the hearing and submit such to all parties involved.
  7. If the decision of the Judicial Board is not satisfactory to the student, he/she may request in writing within five (5) working days that the President review the findings of the Judicial Board. The President has five (5) working days to render a final decision. The decision of the President is final.

The Student Grievance Procedure is designed to provide students due process when they believe college policy has been compromised. Grievable issues must be related to interpretation or application of college policy. Personal opinions, matters of taste or preference, and circumstances covered by external rules, laws, or guidelines are not typically grievable under the Student Grievance Procedure.

*NOTE: The time limits set forth in this policy are critical and must be followed by all parties. Failure to meet deadlines will result in loss of protection granted by the policy. Any extension of deadlines must be approved by the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development. Also college work days are Monday - Friday except for approved holidays.

**NOTE: This policy is a college policy that guarantees due process to both students and employees. To that end, the only individuals who may participate or observe proceedings/meetings are the individuals directly involved and witnesses who may have observed actions pertinent to the situation. Attorneys, friends, family members and others are not allowed to participate. However, if the student needs an advocate to support his/her interests during the process, he/she can select a college employee (counselor, faculty member, staff member or administrator) who can be present and observe the entire proceeding.

Wytheville Community College reserves the right to record any session held between administrators and students, faculty/staff and students or between administrators and faculty/staff. Anyone wanting to record a session with a college administrator or faculty/staff member will be required to give notification 24 hours before the meeting starts.

The college administration and the Threat Assessment Team reserves the right to supersede any step in the WCC Grievance Policy when doing so is in the best interest of protecting the safety of the college community and the individual involved. All other grievance procedures will be followed to assure that the student receives due process.

Judicial Board

The College Judicial Board is comprised of two (2) students, two (2) faculty members, and one college administrator and provides for due process review of student grievances and appeals of decisions regarding disciplinary matters. Student members will be appointed to the Board by the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development. Faculty members and the administrator will be appointed by the Vice President of Instruction and Student Services.

Student Complaints Under State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA)

Wytheville Community College accepts oversight from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), the Commonwealth’s coordinating body for higher education, in resolving complaints from students taking distance education under the aegis of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). If a student has exhausted the avenues provided by the institution and the complaint has not been resolved internally, the student may submit the Student Complaint Form to SCHEV. More details on the formal SCHEV student complaints procedure may be found on the SCHEV agency page at Students may also seek resolution through the Office for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education (“OCR”). A complaint filed with OCR must be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged discrimination. Or, if the college complaint procedure was utilized by the student, the OCR complaint must be filed within 60 calendar days from the date of the final decision, unless the time for filing is extended by the OCR for good cause shown. Information on how to proceed may be accessed on OCR’s website at:

Policy on Expressive Activity

This policy applies to all buildings, grounds, and other spaces owned or controlled by Wytheville Community College (WCC).  The term “expressive activity” includes:

  • Meetings and other group activities of students and student organizations;
  • Speeches, performances, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, and other events by students, student organizations, and outside groups invited by student organizations;
  • Distributions of literature, such as leafleting and pamphleting; and
  • Any other expression protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Policy Statement

College property is primarily dedicated to academic, student life, and administrative func­tions.  But it also represents the “marketplace of ideas,” and especially for students, many areas of campus represent a public forum for speech and other expressive activities.  WCC may place restrictions on expressive activities occurring indoors, but especially for students and stu­dent organizations, the outdoor areas of campus remain venues for free expression, including speeches, demonstrations, and the distribution of literature. 

Indoors or outdoors, WCC shall not interfere with the rights of individuals and groups to the free expression of their views or impermissibly regulate their speech based on its content or viewpoint.  Nevertheless, WCC may establish reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on expressive activity.  Such restrictions must be content-neutral, narrowly tailored to serve a sig­nificant governmental interest, and allow ample alternative channels for communication of the information.

No event or expressive activity shall be permitted to violate or hinder the rights of others within the campus community or substantially disrupt normal college operations.


a. Reserving Campus Facilities:

  1. If students, student organizations, or college employees desire to reserve campus fa­cilities, they shall submit their requests via the college website at The requestor must clearly specify in the event description box that the request pertains to expressive activity. This description should not be used to simply to accelerate a regular facility reservation request. At least 24 twenty-four hours advance notice (on a regular college business day, M-F, as defined by the college calendar), should be given for a reservation request to be responded to.  More notice may be required to allow for sufficient logistical support and to ensure the safety and security of the campus or if the requested location is already scheduled for use by another party. For a club sponsored student activity that is submitted as an expressive activity, the request should be submitted by the club sponsor. 
  2. If individuals or organizations who are not members of the college community (i.e., not students, student organizations, or college employees) desire to reserve campus facilities, they must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or the college to conduct expressive activities or events on campus. The facility reservation request should be submitted by the club sponsor to confirm that a student organization has extended an invitation to sponsor the activity.
  3. WCC designates the following indoor facilities as not available for expressive activity: administrative offices, laboratories, and (during instructional hours) classrooms. Rooms will not be reconfigured and the sponsoring organization is responsible for clean-up, etc. No A/V, custodial, or access to buildings beyond regular operating hours will be provided. Restrictions on expressive activities occurring in indoor facilities will (a) apply equally to all individuals and organizations and (b) not depend upon the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression.
  4. Students, student organizations, and college employees may request to reserve cam­pus facilities on a first-come, first served basis.  These requests may be denied for the following reasons only:
    a.   The requested venue is an indoor facility that the college has designated as not available for expressive activity under section (3) of this policy;
    b.   The requested venue is an indoor facility and the request conflicts with restrictions enacted pursuant to section (3) of this policy;
    c.  The venue is already reserved for another event1;
    d.   The activity will attract a crowd larger than the venue can safely contain;
    e.   The activity will substantially disrupt another event being held at a neighboring venue2;
    f.    The activity will substantially disrupt college operations (including classes);
    g.   The activity is a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the col­lege’s police or security department;
    h.   The activity will occur during college examination periods;
    i.    The activity is unlawful.
  5. During an event, the student, student organization, or college employee requesting the reservation is responsible for preserving and maintaining the facility it reserved.  If it causes any damage to those facilities, the person(s) or organization (and its officers, if applicable) shall assume responsibility. 
  6. When assessing a request to reserve campus facilities, WCC will not consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reac­tion to that expression.  WCC may not impose restrictions on students, student organizations, or college employees due to the content or view­point of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression.  In the event that other persons react negatively to a student’s, student organization’s, or college em­ployee’s expression, college officials (including college police) shall take all necessary steps to ensure public safety while allowing the expressive activity to continue.

b. Spontaneous Expressive Activity: 

  1. Colleges are not required to designate any indoor area as available for spontaneous expressive activities.  In the event that WCC elects to do so, college officials shall prominently post the areas in which students, student organizations, and their sponsored guests may engage in spontaneous expressive activities.  Any areas so designated will (a) apply equally to all students and student organizations and (b) not depend upon the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that ex­pression.
  2. For outdoor campus facilities and areas, students, student organizations, and their sponsored guests may freely engage in spontaneous expressive activities as long as they do not (a) block access to campus buildings, (b) obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, (c) substantially disrupt previously scheduled campus events,3 (d) substan­tially disrupt college operations, (e) constitute unlawful activity, or (f) create a clear and present threat to public safety, according to the college’s police department.
  3. No college personnel may impose restrictions on students, student organizations, or their sponsored guests who are engaging in spontaneous expressive activities due to the content or viewpoint of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression.  In the event that other persons react negatively to these activities, college officials (including college police) shall take all necessary steps to ensure public safety while allowing the expressive activity to continue.


[1]           In the event that multiple individuals or organizations submit conflicting reservation requests, the following order of precedence shall govern:  (1) official college sponsored activities and events; (2) recognized student organization activities and events; (3) student activities and events; and (4) all other activities and events.

[2]           The expression of competing viewpoints or multiple speakers in proximity to each other does not constitute a substantial disruption.

[3]           The expression of competing viewpoints or multiple speakers in proximity to each other does not, without more, constitute a substantial disruption.

Expressive Activity Policy FAQs



1. What is expressive activity?4


Expressive activities are speech-related activities, including

  • meetings;
  • other group events or activities by student organizations or their invited guests;
  • speeches;
  • performances;
  • demonstrations;
  • rallies;
  • vigils;
  • distributions of literature; and
  • any other activity protected by the First Amendment.


2. What kind of speech is protected by the First Amendment?  

The U.S. Constitution protects most speech, with very limited exceptions. In outdoor spaces, the college may place reasonable limits only on the time, place, and, manner of your expressive activity, and those limits must not depend on the content or viewpoint of the expressive activity.  In addition, for outdoor areas, students, student organizations, and their guests are not required to give notice before engaging in expressive activity.  In other words, students, student organizations, employees, and guests may engage in spontaneous expressive activities as long as they do not engage in any of the conduct listed in Number 3 below.  (There may be exceptions to this general rule; for example, your college may have an outdoor facility that requires a reservation to use.)

Indoors, colleges may place restrictions on expressive activities, as long as any rules apply to everyone equally and are not based on the content or viewpoint of the speech.  The college may determine that certain indoor facilities are not available for expressive activity.  Common examples of such areas include: (1) administrative offices, (2) libraries, (3) hallways, and (4) classrooms during instructional hours. 


3. What kind of actions related to protected speech can be regulated?

Most speech is protected by the Constitution, but sometimes, the actions that a speaker takes during an expressive activity are disruptive enough to allow a college to intervene, regardless of what is actually being expressed. For outdoor facilities and areas, students, student organizations, and their guests may freely engage in expressive activity as long as they do not also engage in any of the following: 


  • block access to campus buildings;
  • obstruct traffic (vehicles or pedestrians);
  • substantially disrupt previously scheduled campus events;
  • substantially disrupt college operations or violate or hinder the rights of others;
  • break the law; or
  • create a threat to public safety, according to the college’s police or security department.


4. How can someone reserve campus facilities for speech activities?

a. Request submission

Requests to reserve facilities can be made online at Spaces are reserved be on a first-come-first serve basis.  The college can state in advance that certain spaces cannot be reserved for speech activities.  Common examples include libraries, offices, hallways, and classrooms during instructional hours.  Any other restrictions on expressive activities that occur in indoor facilities must apply equally to everyone and not depend on the content or viewpoint of the expression, or the possible reaction to the expression. 

b. Timing

Colleges usually cannot require more than 24-hour advance notice unless the event requires additional planning to ensure safety and sufficient logistical support.  You are encouraged to request the facility as soon as possible. 

c. Denials

When assessing a request to reserve a facility, the college must not consider the content or viewpoint of the expressive activity, or the possible reaction to the expressive activity.  If a facility or space is generally available to be reserved, the college can refuse a reservation by a student, student organization, or employee only for the following reasons:

  • The venue is an indoor facility that has been designated as unavailable for reservation.
  • The venue is an indoor facility and the request is in conflict with any restrictions the college has placed on the facility.  For example, a restriction could be that the indoor facility is unavailable on the weekends.
  • The venue has been reserved already at the time requested.
  • The size of the anticipated crowd is too large for the space.
  • The activity would substantially disrupt another event occurring in close proximity.
  • The activity would substantially disrupt college operations.
  • The activity is a clear and present threat to campus safety, according to police or security. 
  • The activity occurs during college exam periods.
  • The activity is against the law.

d. Responsibility for the space

Anyone who reserves a facility or space is responsible for maintaining the space and will be responsible for any damages, cleaning costs, or other costs.

5. Is the college required to have indoor areas available for spontaneous expressive activities?

No.  The college is not required to have an indoor area designated for spontaneous speech activities.  However, if it chooses to create one or more, college officials must post that the area is available for students, student organizations, employees and guests to engage in expressive activities. The area must be available for all students, student organizations, employees, and guests equally, and not depend on the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to it. 

6. What do I do if someone or a group tries to disrupt my, my organization’s or invited guest’s speech?
To report a disruption of protected speech, please contact: for student events, Renee Thomas, Dean of Student Services at 276-223-4752 or, for external events, Crystal Cregger, Vice President of Finance and Administration at 276-223-4762 or  In cases of emergency, please call Campus Police at 276-223-4713 (Wytheville Campus), 276-223-744-4986 (Crossroads) or 911 (for the Summit Center). 

7. I have additional questions.

Please contact Crystal Cregger, Vice President for Finance and Administration at 276-223-4762 or  for more information.


[4] The words “speech” and “expressive activity” may be used interchangeably.

Miscellaneous Policies and Activities

Student Clubs and Activities:

Student activities at Wytheville Community College are an important part of the total college experience, providing a variety of educational, cultural, and social activities for the entire college community.  Annual events include Welcome Back Day, Fall Esprit, Community Halloween Celebration, and Spring Fling.  Each year, additional activities are planned to supplement these annual events with the goal of offering at least one event or activity per month.  Students are informed of upcoming activities through student email notifications and campus advertisements, and are encouraged to attend as many events as possible.  Any student interested in volunteering to assist with activities and events should contact the Student Activities Coordinator.

School Colors and Mascot:

WCC’s school’s colors are maroon and white. The official school mascot is the wildcat. The school colors and mascot are used in a variety of settings.

Student Government Association:

The Student Government Association consists of an Executive ranch made up of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and a Legislative Branch made up of club representatives and the student body of Wytheville Community College.  SGA serves to provide self-governance for the student body by serving as a liaison between students and administration, assisting in campus-wide student activities, and participating in community outreach within the college’s service region.  All WCC students are encouraged to participate in SGA by attending monthly meetings in person or via live social media broadcasts.

Clubs and Organizations:

There are a variety of student clubs and organizations at Wytheville Community College for student participation. Clubs and organizations can be founded by students, faculty, and staff of WCC. Each club or organization must have at least one faculty or staff member serve as club sponsor. For guidelines for club and organization fundraising activities, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator.

Recognized religious or political student organizations may limit activities that relate to the core functions of the organization to only those students who support the organization’s mission.

College Bulletin Boards and Display Cases:

The Wytheville Community College campus bulletin boards are available to promote college events, student activities, student club information, college-related community events, and area job postings for the interest of students, faculty, and staff. To ensure that items posted on the bulletin boards are relevant and current, all notices must be sent to Student Services for placement. College bulletin boards shall not be used to promote commercial enterprises or other activities unrelated to Wytheville Community College, its students, and faculty/staff. For safety and cosmetic reasons, posters and announcements shall not be hung on walls, doors or windows.


Student E-mail

WCC furnishes e-mail accounts to all registered students. Students must use their e-mail account for class-related communication.  Students should check their email daily as financial aid notifications and forms are sent by WCC email.

Parking Regulations

WCC provides open, on-campus parking facilities for faculty, administration, staff and students. All are free to park in any space EXCEPT those spaces which are specifically reserved. Cars operated by students that are improperly parked are subject to towing at the student’s expense. For safety reasons, there will be absolutely NO parking allowed along the roadway leading into the college from East Main Street. Students should park in designated parking areas. Ample parking is provided at each of the college’s off-campus sites.

Intellectual Property

The VCCS Policy Manual includes a detailed description of policies and procedures related to Intellectual Property, including ownership and responsibility issues. Students are directed to Section 12 ( of the manual for specific details. The Vice President of Instruction and Student Development has been designated as the college policy administrator. As necessary, a college committee shall be designated by the President to assist the policy administrator in implementing the provisions of this policy.

Inclement Weather Announcements

Day Classes

Decisions concerning the closing or late opening of Wytheville Community College due to inclement weather will be made by college officials early each day. The stations listed below will be contacted as soon as the decision to close school is rendered, which in all probability will be prior to 6:30 a.m. Students, faculty, and staff are urged to listen to the radio for information concerning school closing. Do not be influenced by announcements concerning the public school system as the college is not a part of that system. If the college is to be closed for any particular day, the announcement will state this fact.


Closing and Delay Schedule - 2 Hour Delay

Monday - Friday



1. If your class does not have a start time listed, students will receive instruction from the course faculty member.


2. Students enrolled in clinical courses at an off-site location will receive instructions from their faculty member.


3. Evening Classes (4:00 PM and later starting times) will run as normally scheduled unless cancelled.


4. Saturday Classes will begin at 10:00 am when WCC is on a 2-hour delay schedule.


Regular Schedule

Delayed Schedule

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

12:30 PM - 1:45 PM

1:35 PM - 2:35 PM

2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

3:45 PM - 4:45 PM







WYVE-WXBX Wytheville 1280 AM; 95.3 FM
WSLQ-WSLC Roanoke 610 AM; 99 FM; 94.9 FM
WMEV Marion 1010 AM; 93.9 FM
WWWJ-WBRF Galax 1360 AM; 98.1 FM
WSYD Mt., Airy, NC 1300 AM
WKEZ Bluefield, WV 1240 AM
WHKX Bluefield, WV 100.9 FM
WHIS Bluefield, WV 104 FM
WBDY Bluefield, WV 107.7 FM
WHQX Bluefield, WV 1140 AM
WHAJ Bluefield, WV 106.3 FM
WKOY Bluefield, WV 1190 AM
WFNR Christiansburg 710 AM
WBXW New River Valley 100.7 FM
WBZV Christiansburg 105 FM
WPSK Pulaski 107 FM
WBRW-WRAD Radford 101 FM; 1460 AM
WHHV Hillsville 1400 AM
WOLD Marion 1330 AM; 102.5 FM
WFIR-WXLK Roanoke 960 AM; 92.3 FM
WXBQ-WAEZ Bristol, VA 99.3 FM; 980 AM; 96.9 FM
WVTF Roanoke 89.1 FM; 91.9 FM
WZVA Marion Z-103.5 FM
WDBJ Roanoke, VA Channel 7
WSLS Roanoke, VA Channel 10
WVVA Bluefield, WV Channel 6
WCYB Bristol, VA Channel 5

Delayed Class Schedule

Every effort will be made to keep the college open during inclement weather. However, when conditions dictate, this delayed schedule may be put into effect. The delayed schedule will be used as necessary to allow for improvement of road conditions. Each student is expected, in the final analysis, to decide whether it is safe to come to the college. Every attempt will be made to work with students who are forced to be absent because of weather.

This delayed schedule will be in effect upon authorized release to local radio and television stations. Information is also available via the college website at Announcements are also made on the WCC FaceBook page and via the college’s Twitter account. Every effort will be made to release this information in time for inclusion in 11:00 p.m. broadcasts and/or early morning newscasts.

Any class that does not start at a regular listed time will utilize a delayed schedule that will overlap with the class.

Evening Classes

Decisions concerning the cancellations of WCC on campus and regional site evening classes will be made between 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. and will be announced in the same manner as used for cancellation of day classes. (NOTE: Sometimes day classes are cancelled but night classes are not. When night classes are cancelled, they may not be cancelled at all regional sites.)

Lost and Found

All personal articles found on campus are placed in the office of the WCC Campus Police Department in Carroll Hall. They may be claimed upon proof of ownership.

Telephone Usage

The telephones in the college are to be used by faculty and staff for official college business. Telephones for calling offices within the college are also located in the halls of each building on campus. Calls are limited to five minutes on hall phones.

Incoming emergency telephone calls are received by the Student Services Office. The student is located as quickly as possible and given the message. Only messages of extreme emergencies will be delivered to students by Student Services personnel.


Students will be called from class only in the event of emergency. All emergency numbers are listed below.

Emergency Phone Numbers:
WCC at the Crossroads Institute 276-744-4974
After 6 p.m., call 276-744-4986
WCC at the Summit Center 276-783-1777
Wytheville Community College 276-223-4700
or 1-800-468-1195
After 5 p.m., call WCC Police, 276-223-4713