Catalog & Student Handbook 2017-2018 
    Dec 04, 2024  
Catalog & Student Handbook 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Boards, Faculty & Support Staff

College Boards

State Board for Community Colleges

Yohannes Abraham
Carolyn Berkowitz
Nathaniel Bishop
Thomas Brewster
David E. Broder
Darren Conner
Ed Dalrymple, Jr
Glenn DuBois, Secretary
Douglas M. Garcia
Susan Tinsley Gooden
William C. Hall, Jr.
Peggy A. Layne
Eleanor Saslaw, Chair
Joseph Smiddy, M.D.
Senator Walter Stosch
Robin Sullenberger, Vice Chair

Virginia Community College System

Dr. Glenn DuBois, Chancellor

Wytheville Community College Board

Roger D. Thompson, Chair, County of Bland
Phylip “Phyl” Snapp, Vice Chair, County of Wythe
Dr. Walter S. Barton, County of Wythe
Malcolm M. Brown, IV, County of Smyth
Charles C. Clatterbuck, County of Smyth
Richard “Dick” Dalton, County of Carroll
Jerry A. Hurt, County of Wythe
Travis D. Jackson, County of Wythe
Dr. Oliver A. McBride, County of Carroll
Danny C. McDaniel, County of Wythe
Janet Nuckolls, City of Galax
Charles W. Smith, County of Grayson
Robert “Robby” Wingate, County of Grayson


Dr. Dean Sprinkle

Administrative Faculty

Dean Sprinkle, A.A.S, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. President

Lorri Huffard, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Vice President, Instruction and Student Development

Crystal Y. Cregger, A.A.S., B.S., M.B.A. Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services

Rhonda K. Catron-Wood, B.S., M.A., Ed.D. Vice President, College Development

Perry Hughes, A.A.S., B.B.A., M.S., Vice President of Workforce Development

C. Jamie Edwards, B.S., M.A., M.Ed. Dean, Health and Occupational Programs

Jacob Surratt, B.A, M.S. Dean, Transfer, Business, and Social Sciences

Renee S. Thomas, B.S., M.S. Dean, Student Success and Academic Development

George E. Mattis, Jr., A.A., B.S., M.L.S. Director of Library Services

Kent E. Glindemann, B.A., M.S., Ph.D. Director of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness

Charlotte A. Mowery, B.S., M.S. Coordinator, Project Director, Student Support Services

Mary E. Edwards, B.S., M.S. Coordinator, Project Director, Upward Bound

Vicki B. Delp, A.A.S., B.S., M.B.A. Coordinator, Grants Compliance for MTC

Nelson J. Teed, B.S., M.E. Coordinator, Manufacturing Extension Specialist for MTC

VACANT Coordinator, Online Learning and Instructional Technology

Jill W. Ross, B.A., M.S. Coordinator, Development Services, WCC Educational Foundation

Shawn L. McReynolds, B.S., M.L.S. Director of Technology

Leticia Maldonado, B.A, M.B.A. Coordinator, Project Director, Educational Talent Search

Jimmie Vicars, B.S. Director of Facility Planning and Maintenance

Timothy West, B.S, M.S. Academic Counselor

Malinda Eversole, A.A.S., B.S., M.A. Director of Human Resources and Payroll Services

Shawn Wildman, A.A.S., B.S. Coordinator, Senior Project Engineer, Manufacturing Tech Center

Josh Floyd, B.S., M.B.A. Coordinator of Dual Enrollment

April Mullins, B.S., M.S. Counselor for Recruitment and Retention/Student Services

Debbie Puckett, A.A.S, B.S, M.A. Student Support Services Counselor

Maria Whited, B.S., M.A. Student Support Services Counselor

Monique Cabiness, B.S., M.B.A. Administrative Officer, Instructional Technologist for the Title III Grant


Arnold, Tommy L. (2003) (1987-2002)
Associate Professor, Machine Technology
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1973
A.A.S., Danville Community College, 1975
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1983
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1991

Becker, Elizabeth (2012)
Associate Instructor, Biology
A.A.S., Salk Valley College, 1979
B.S., Radford University, 1998
M.S., Radford University, 2001

Cabiness, Monique (2015)
Administrative Officer, Instructional Technologist for Title III Grant
B.S., Averett University, 2002
M.B.A., Longwood College, 2011

Catron-Wood, Rhonda K. (1990)
Vice President, College Development
B.S., Radford University, 1987
M.A., Radford University, 1989
Ed.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001

Choate, Daniel R. (2011)
Assistant Professor, Construction Technology
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1997
Various construction certifications.

Costello, Keith P. (2000)
Professor, Computer Information Systems Technology
B.S., Bluefield College, 1994
M.S., Marshall University, 1997
M.B.A., Morehead State University, 2010

Cregger, Crystal Y. (2008)
Assistant Professor
Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1992
B.B.A., Radford University, 1993
M.B.A., Radford University, 1995

Delp, Vicki B. (1998)
Coordinator, Grants Compliance, MTC
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1983
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1990
B.S., University of Phoenix, 1994
M.B.A., King College, 2010

Durham, April Y. (2013)
Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2007
B.S.N., Old Dominion University, 2013
M.S.N., Walden University, 2015

Edwards, C. Jamie (2011)
Health and Occupational Programs
Associate Professor
B.S., Bluefield College, 1999
M.A., Wake Forest University, 2005
M.Ed., Radford University, 2012

Edwards, Mary E. (1996)
Coordinator and Project Director, Upward Bound
A.A.S., New River Community College, 1977
B.S., Radford University, 1979
M.S., Radford University, 1992

Evans, Jacqueline R. (2006)
Professor, Practical Nursing
A.A.S. Nursing, Wytheville Community College, 1995
B.S.N., Old Dominion University, 2000
M.S.N, Walden University, 2008

Evans, Susan W. (2007)
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
B.S., Villanova University, 1992
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1994

Eversole, Malinda P. (2010)
Assistant Professor
Director of Human Resources and Payroll Services
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2009
B.S., Bluefield College, 2013
M.A., Liberty University, 2014

Ferguson, Johnathon (2016)
Instructor, Machine Technology
A.A.S, Wytheville Community College, 2009

Floyd, Joshua (2014)
Assistant Professor, Coordinator of Dual Enrollment
B.S., James Madison University, 1997
M.B.A., East Tennessee State University, 2009

Galyean, Teresa A. (1996)
Professor, Psychology
B.S., Radford University, 1983
M.S., Radford University, 1985
Ed.S., Radford University, 1986
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2004

Gibberson, James E. (2015)
Assistant Professor
Program Head, Medical Laboratory Technology
B.S., Bluefield State College, 1986
M.S. Old Dominion University, 2003

Glindemann, Kent E. (2007)
Director of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness
B.A., Salisbury University, 1987
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1990
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1995

Grose, William L. (2004)
Assistant Professor, History
B.A., Emory & Henry College, 1991
M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001

Haga, Kristie (2015)
Assistant Professor, Human Services
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1992
B.S., Radford University, 1994
M.S., Walden University, 2009

Hedrick, Mary A. (2009)
Assistant Professor, Biology
B.S., Radford University, 2002
M.S., Radford University, 2006

Holder, Martha (2000)
Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Appalachian State University, 1995
M.A., Appalachian State University, 1998

Huddle, Rita K. (2010)
Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.A., Wytheville Community College, 1977
B.S., Old Dominion University, 1998
M.S.N., Walden University, 2012

Huffard, Lorri M. (2005) (1991-2000)
Vice President of Instruction and Student Development
B.S., Roanoke College, 1986
M.S., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1991
Ph.D., TUI University, 2010

Hughes, Perry (2015)
Assistant Professor, Director of Workforce Development
A.A.S., Patrick Henry Community College, 1987
B.B.A., Radford University, 1989
M.S., Virginia Tech, 2004

Jackson-King, Julia S. (2005)
Associate Professor
Program Head, Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., The College of William and Mary, 1984
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Va., 1986
M.S., Old Dominion University, 2006

Jones, Stanley (2010)
Instructor, Chemistry
B.S., University of Tampa, 1986
M.E., University of Virginia, 1999

Kilgore, Sarah C. (2005)
Associate Professor, Accounting
B.S. University of Virginia at Wise, 1978
M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 1986

Kincer, Cynthia J. (2005)
Assistant Professor, Biology
A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1980
B.S., Mars Hill College, 1982
M.S., East Tennessee State University, 1989

Lachniet, Jason A. (2007)
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
A.S., Grand Rapids Community College, 1998
B.S., Michigan State University, 2000
M.S., East Tennessee State University, 2007

Lawson, John C. (2004)
Associate Professor, Social Science
B.S., Radford Unversity, 1994
M.A.L.S., Hollins University, 1996

Leonard, Mimi (2003)
Associate Professor, Developmental English
B.A., University of the South, 1983
M.S., Radford University, 1998

Maldonado, Leticia (2015)
Assistant Professor
Coordinator, Project Director, Educational Talent Search
B.A., City College of New York, 1976
M.B.A., Pace University, 1984

Mattis, George E., Jr. (1986)
Instructor, Coordinator of Library Services
A.A., Community College of Rhode Island, 1974
B.A., Roger Williams College, 1976
M.L.S., George Peabody College, 1977

McAfee, Tracy L. (2008)
Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Theatre
B.A., Baldwin Wallace College, 1983
M.A., Ohio State University, 1987

McReynolds, Shawn (2011)
Associate Professor
Director of Technology (Chief Information Officer)
B.S., Bluefield College, 1994
M.L.S., Fort Hays State University, 2005

Mowery, Charlotte A. (1992)
Assistant Professor
Coordinator & Project Director, Student Support Services
B.S., Radford University, 1978
M.S., Radford University, 1980

Mullins, April (2004)
Counselor for Recruitment and Retention, Student Services
B.S., Radford University, 1998
M.S., Radford University, 2001

Muncy, Patsy B. (2005)
Associate Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1974
B.S.N., Bluefield State College, 1994
M.S.N., Old Dominion University, 2005

Musick, Kelli L. (1991)
Assistant Professor, Administrative Support Technology
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1991
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2000
M.A., Ashford University, 2009

Nester, Marc S. (2011)
Associate Professor, Information Systems Technology
A.A.S., New River Community College, 1993
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1995
M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2009

Phillips, Rita A. (2007)
Professor, Dental Hygiene/Dental Assisting
B.S., Medical College of Virginia, 1989
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2008

Phillips, Sherrie D. (2013)
Program Head, Nursing
B.S., King College (2005)
M.S., Old Dominion University (2008)

Puckett, Debbie L. (2017)
Instructor, Student Support Services Counselor
A.A.S., Virginia Highlands Community College, 2005
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2012
M.A., Liberty University, 2013

Quesenberry, I. Scott (2010)
Instructor, HVAC, Crossroads Institute
Certificate, New River Community College, 1995

Reeves, William (Bill) H. (2008)
Assistant Professor, Truck Driving, Crossroads Institute
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2012
Career Studies Certificate, Truck Driving, Southside Community College, 2008
Auto Mechanics Certification, 1980
Class A CDL License with H.T.N.P.S. Endorsements

Richardson, Leigh Ann (2017)
Associate Professor, Practical Nursing
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2002
B.S.N., Walden University, 2014

Ross, Jill Watson (2010)
Assistant Professor
Development Services Coordinator, Educational Foundation Office
B.A., Emory & Henry College, 2000
M.S., University of Tennessee, 2002

Settle, B. Jason (2013)
Instructor, English
B.S., Radford University, 2004
M.S., Radford University, 2007

Slemp, Kimberly S. (2011)
Instructor, Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University, 1982

Smith, Elaine G. (2000)
Associate Professor
Dental Hygiene/Dental Assisting Program Head
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1992
B.S., Old Dominion University, 1999
M.D.H., University of Tennessee, 2008

Spraker, Deanna (2014)
Associate Professor, Biology
B.S., Bluefield State College, 1996
M.A.,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001

Sprano, Peter A. (1992)
Associate Professor, English
B.S., Liberty University, 1980
M.S., Old Dominion University, 1984
M.S., Radford University, 2009

Spangler, Stephanie (2016)
Instructor, Nursing Simulation Lab
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1995
B.S.N., Old Dominion University, 2000
M.S., Capella University, 2016

Sprinkle, Dean (2015)
A.A.S., Lee McRae College, 1976
B.A., North Carolina State University, 1978
M.A., Western Carolina University, 1981
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 2000

Surratt, Jacob (2016)
Transfer, Business, and Social Sciences
Assistant Professor
B.S., Appalachian State, 2006
M.S., High Point University, 2008

Sutphin, Brenda N. (1999)
Assistant Professor, Psychology
B.S., Appalachian State, 1993
M.S., Radford University, 1995

Teed, Nelson J. (2001)
Director, Manufacturing Specialist for MTC
B.S., M.E., Kent State University, 1983.

Thomas, Renee S. (2006)
Dean, Student Success and Academic Development
B.S., Radford University, 1989
M.S., Radford University, 2005

Thomas, Staci S. (2012) (1994-1999)
Associate Professor, Dental Assisting/Dental Hygiene
A.S., West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1982
B.S., West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1983
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992

Vicars, Jimmie (2015)
Instructor, Director of Facility Planning and Maintenance
B.S., East Tennessee State University, 1970

Weiss, Richard A. “Doc” (1984)
Professor, Law Enforcement
B.S., West Virginia University, 1970
M.S., Radford University, 1978
M.S., Radford University, 1991

West, Timothy R. (2016)
Assistant Professor, Academic Counselor
B.S., Radford University, 2004
M.S., University of West Alabama, 2007
M.S., Radford University, 2014

Whited, Maria (2012)
Instructor, Student Support Services Counselor
B.S., Bluefield State College, 2005
M.A., Liberty University, 2009

Wildman, Shawn M. (2013)
Coordinator, Senior Project Engineer, MTC
A.A.S., Southwest Virginia Community College, 1993
B.S., Virginia Tech, 1996

Yates, Karla U. (2011)
Associate Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2006
B.S., University of Phoenix, 2008
M.S., University of Phoenix, 2011

Faculty Emeriti

Alexander, Don (1968-2009)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Machine Technology
B.S., Appalachian State University, 1967
M.A., Appalachian State University, 1968

Bryant, Lillian W. (1970-1992)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Nursing
Diploma, Lewis-Gale Hospital School of Nursing, 1960
B.S.N., University of North Carolina, 1962
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1977

Cockram, Joseph M. (1969-2002)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Mathematics
B.S., Appalachian State University, 1964
M.A., University of South Carolina, 1969

Collins, Eric J. (1969-2002)
Assistant Professor, Emeritus of Biology
B.S., Roanoke College, 1963
M.A., University of Richmond, 1965

Compton, Louise B. (1968-1992)
Professor, Emeritus of Nursing
B.S.N., East Tennessee State University, 1959
M.S.N., Indiana University, 1966

DiYorio, John S. (1969-2002)
Professor, Emeritus of Chemistry
B.S., College of Charleston, 1964
Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1969

Hwu, Yeu P. (1964-1994)
Professor, Emeritus of Physics
B.S., Taiwan Normal University, 1955
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1963
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1968

Jennings, Allen P. (1970-1992)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Physical Education
B.S., East Tennessee State University, 1951
M.A., East Tennessee State University, 1959

Jones, Dan C. (1975-2002)
Professor, Emeritus of English
B.A., Carson-Newman College, 1964
M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1967
Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1979

Liddle, Larry T. (1970-2002)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Mathematics
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1966.
M.S., University of South Carolina, 1970.

Matheny, Betty J. (1972-1999)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Office Systems Technology
B.S., West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1959
M.A., Marshall University, 1965

Matheny, John E. (1969-1996)
Professor, Emeritus of Business Management
A.B., Glenville State College, 1957
M.A., Marshall University, 1964

Pratt, Janet L. (1974-2002)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Nursing
B.N., Medical College of Virginia, 1961
M.S.N., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1980

Presgraves, James S. (1967-1991)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Student Support Services
B.A., University of Richmond, 1959
M.Ed., University of Richmond, 1964

Roberts, Charles D. (1969-2002)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of Business Management
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1963
M.Ed., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1969

Snyder, William F. (1974-2001)
Professor, President Emeritus
B.S., Appalachian State University, 1959
M.A., Wake Forest College, 1963
Ed.D., North Carolina State University, 1973

Pryor, Janice (1984-2015)
Professor, Emeritus of Communications
B.A., Winthrop College, 1970
M.A., University of South Carolina, 1975
Ph.D., Kent State University, 1982

Thacker, Sue G. (1976-2008)
Professor, Emeritus of Nursing
B.S., University of Virginia, 1971
M.S., Radford University, 1983
M.S., American Holistic College of Nutrition, 1995
Ph.D., American Holistic College of Nutrition, 1996

West, Evelyn G. (1975-1990)
Assistant Professor, Emeritus of Nursing
B.S., Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, 1945
M.S., University of Chicago, 1949

Wymer, Bobby J. (1968-2002)
Associate Professor, Emeritus of English
B.A., Radford University, 1962
M.S., Radford University, 1966

Support Staff

Akers, Kenneth, N. (2017)
B.S., Kaplan University, 2011

Alexander, Karen L. (2012)
Education Support Specialist III (Registrar)
A.A.S., Southwest Virginia Community College, 1999
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2001
M.B.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2003

Arnold, Melissa M. (1998)
Administrative and Office Specialist II, Upward Bound
Certificate, Clerical Studies, Wytheville Community College, 1994

Blair, Jamie R. (2014)
Education Support Specialist I
Admission and Records Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2011
B.S. Bluefied College, 2015

Bond, Bonnie K. (2013)
Financial Services Specialist I
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1994
B.S., Bluefield College, 1996

Burnett, Denita I. (2005)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
President’s Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1999
B.B.A., King University, 2015

Carter, Justin R. (2016)
Talent Search Coordinator
Talent Search Grant
A.A.S., New River Community College, 2010
B.S., Radford University, 2013

Catron, Leonard “Todd” W., Jr. (1996)
Network Administrator
Information Technology Systems Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1987

Collins, Joseph S. (2005)
Trades Technician III, Maintenance Department

Crosscup, Shauna P. (2009)
Education Support Specialist III
Financial Aid Office
A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2005
B.B.A., Roanoke College, 2007
M.B.A, Radford University, 2009

Dickens, David T. (2011)
Business Office Manager
Business Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2008
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2010

Dunford, Wendy C. (2015)
Financial Services Specialist I (Payroll Officer)

Fanning, Vivian B. (2011)
Procurement Officer I

Fowler, Sarah R. (2012)
Administrative & Office Specialist III (Allied Health Division)
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2009
B.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2011

Gallagher, Mary Beth (1996)
Educational Support Specialist III
Financial Aid Office
A.A.S., State University, New York, 1985
B.B.A., Kennesaw College, 1988

Halsey, Derek R. (1998)
Information Technology Specialist I
Information Technology Systems Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1999

Harmon, Zendell C. (2000)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Crossroads Institute

Hawkins, Karen L. (1997)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Student Services Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1991
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2007

Johnston, Gayle D. (1998)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Business Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1987

Keen, Rhonda B. (2004)
Library Specialist I
A.A.S., Southwest Virginia Community College, 1990
B.S., Radford University, 1992

Kegley, Melissa R. (2008)
Information Technology Specialist I
Information Technology Systems Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1983, 2004
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2007

Litz, Keith E. (2011)
Education Coordinator I (Environmental and Energy Specialist)
Manufacturing Technology Center
A.A.S. Wytheville Community College, 1978

Lowe, Lisa (2016)
Administrative & Office Specialist III
Workforce Development and Continuing Education
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2007

Martin, Roger G. (2006)
Trades Technician III
Maintenance Department

Mitchell, Jane (2000)
Education Support Specialist III
Workforce Development and Continuing Education
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2000
B.S.S.O., Colorado Technical University, 2006

Montgomery, Jerri L. (1991)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Office of the Vice President of Instruction & Assessment
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1998
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2006
M.S., Capella University, 2009

Murrell, Lisa (2014)
Admin and Office Specialist III
Financial Aid Office/Admissions Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1987

Newman, Linda L. (1987)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Manufacturing Technology Center
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1979
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1990

Phillips, Jessica (2016)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Student Support Services-Project Aim
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2012

Preston, Bridget R. (2012)
Education Support Specialist III
Online Advisor
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2012
B.B.A., King University, 2015

Romans, Allan L. (1999)
Information Technology Specialist I
Information Technology Systems Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 1989

Shuler, Amber D. (2013)
Dental Hygiene Coordinator
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2004
B.S. Liberty University, 2013

Slate, Bobbie (2016) (ADD)
Talent Search Coordinator
Talent Search Grant
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2013
B.S., Bluefield College, 2014

Sowers, Shasta, R. (2017) (ADD)
High School Career Coach
B.S., Virginia Tech, 2013
M.S., Virginia Tech, 2014

Stuart, Keisha V. (2013)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
WCC Educational Foundation
A.A. S., Wytheville Community College, 2001

Trivett, Janice L. (1989)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
Office of the Dean of Humanities, Social Sciences. and Business Technologies
A.A.& S., Wytheville Community College, 1993
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2002
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2005
M.A., Ashford University, 2010

White, Sherry D. (2003)
Administrative and Office Specialist III
WCC Educational Foundation
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2000

Winesett, Martha K. (2004)
Information Technology Specialist II
Information Technology Systems Office
Admissions and Records Office
A.A.S., Wytheville Community College, 2001
B.S., Old Dominion University, 2008

Support Staff Emeriti

Arnold, JoAnn S. (1976-2004)
Procurement Officer I

Bear, Betty C. (1985-2006)
Payroll Officer

BeCraft, B. Dean (1982-2001)
Building and Grounds Supervisor B

Brant, Jerry (1988-2015)
Trades Manager I

DeBord, Bill R. (2001-2013)
Administrative and Office Specialist III

Dix, Sherry K. (1973-2009)

Crabtree, Evelyn I. (1968-1995)
Fiscal Technician Senior

Frye, Darlene U. (1972-2004)
Administrative and Office Specialist III

Lyons, Elizabeth D. (1968-1995)
Fiscal Technician Senior

King, Brenda W. (1967-2001)
Library Practitioner I

Lilly, Sue M. (1993-2003)
Administrative and Program Specialist III

Porterfield, Carolyn S. (1971-2009)
Information Technology Specialist I

Sauls, Nancy M. (1975-2006)
Laboratory & Research Specialist I

Simmerman, Lisa P. (1991-2009)
Financial Services Specialist I

Vile, Pamela S. (1980-2009)
Administrative and Office Specialist II

Waddle, Lorraine V. (1973-2002)
Administrative Staff Assistant

Willard, Albert R. “Dick” (1973-1976, 1981-2005)
Trades Technician III